“ Alfie and I have nothing in common am just his assistant. He has not been telling me anything about him.”. Patrick replied boldly.

“ Hahahahah…. Really?”. Mr. Ninson asked doubtfully.

“ That is the truth. Please let me see my family for once.”. Patrick cried out.

“ That will only be possible if you deliver the information I need.”. Mr. Ninson said and walked back his seat.

Patrick could only watch him sit.

“ Hmmm…” he sighed.

“ If we are done for today you may leave. I have important things to attend to.”. Mr. Ninson said.

Patrick got to the door when Mr. Ninson said

“ I give you three days to deliver the information I mentioned. Just three days.”.

Patrick didn’t turn back to see him talk he left the office in a haste.

On his way to the compound he hit Abigail mistakenly she dropped the books she was holding

“ I’m sorry.”. Patrick said and picked the books for Abigail.

“ How have you been?”. Patrick asked and gave the books to her.

Abigail looked at him to recognize who he was

“ Is
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