Chapter 121

The woman took the vase And before she could throw it Mr Nissan run and grabbed her She threw what's the bed and stripped her naked with the new energy invoked into Mr Ninson he raped the woman not knowing who she was.

The woman screamed on top of her voice but it was no one to help her One must stand in son was done he relaxed on the bed and breathe heavily The woman with tears stud up and left the room must stand left comfortably feeling relieved and satisfied.

The next day he stood up and saw clothes in her room That was when he remembered what happened last night Not knowing the woman was she came out of her room hardly and called for his senior mate

“I want you to someone all the maids here at this minute.” He instructed

“ Okay sir reply the mate.

He went to the swim took his shower and came back to the living room He has never felt okay with any woman since he met Abigail his wife But this strange woman made him feel so good He felt he was having his good time with Abigail Nothi
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