Lord vreion,so many of our ships has been ambushed and lit on fire ,we need to take care of this problem.

“We will ,general. This rebels need food and money because they lost a lot during our attack, so…that is what we would give them.

The general staired in confusion wondering if trevor is suffering from a concussion as he showed his disapproval for his thoughts asking him if he could hear himself speak.

“Its a ploy ,we load our biggest ship with gold and grains set to be shipped out at noon as they would find out after they gather thier information. Its the biggest yet they’d definitely try to raid it and they wont send lackey's this time around, Allen will come himself and so will my price.if we take out the head the, body can’t see nor can it move ,talk less of being alive. Listen carefully, pull in all our men in the nearby boarders and arm them .I want two ships one for the plan and another sailing for the red sea.”

As you command it lord vreion said the general as he stepped out of his quarters

familiar faces filled the war room as the general began to issue orders. It was a tense atmosphere, filled with anticipation and a sense of urgency. The general looked around the room, his gaze landing on each soldier as he spoke.

"We've been dealt a blow, but we will not let it falter us. Allen and his followers will be defeated. We will strike back with the full force of House Vreion. We will retake what is rightfully ours, and we will crush the rebellion once and for all."

The soldiers nodded in agreement, their faces hardened with determination. They knew what was at stake. They knew that their lives, their families, and their homes were all on the line.

The general continued, " Lord Vreion will lead the attack on Aerys' hideout. We will not stop until we capture him and put an end to this rebellion."

Just as planned the bait was taken by Allen .He set out to attack and seize the ship but a lot of hands were required as it was heavily guarded. He took brave and strong men and what little of weaponry they got and set out at noon.they took for ships each approaching from the west east north and south of the border line of the coast with the aim of encircling the vreion ship as each ships approached the let out a fire signal in the air from a distance from all for corners which left the guards confused and wondering what was going on.guarde set out to check it out on little boats ,reducing the amount of security aboard. This let a band of men on a small boat get near the ship and come aboard one by one the took out the guards on the ship and on the order corners of the see so did their men.thier force was overwhelming and they had control they began imprisoning the remaining gaurds and ensuring the grains and gold were secure.As they changed the direction of the ship aerys and Allen looked across the room to one another and smiled broadly.

On an deserted mountain not far off from the coast and tand boarder lines there was trevor and his generals watching as it unfolds. Trevor then looked back to one of his gaurds and said “Do it now!”

All tge generals were confused ,little times passed and they started seeing flaming boalders coming from the mountains flying for the ships and they hit.like a cold silence before the storm aerys and Allen and the crew were rejoicing and then a loud noise was heard filled by a sudden explosion

Allen, Aerys, and their crew turned towards the source of the explosion, their faces contorted in shock and horror. The once hulking Vreion ship was now a fiery inferno, its flames illuminating the night sky.

In the distance, they could see another explosion, and then another. As they watched in terror, the entire fleet of House Vreion was engulfed in flames so were thier men, the last vestiges of their power vanishing into the darkness.

Trevor and his generals had orchestrated the ultimate ambush, launching their remaining forces in a surprise attack. The Vreion's defenses had been weakened by the loss of their largest ship, leaving them vulnerable to the well-placed strikes.

As the last of the Vreion ships succumbed to the flames, Aerys and Allen could only stare in disbelief. Their fight for freedom had been overrun. As the ships fell and the cry of thier men echoed ,aerys and Allen tried to get to the parts of the ship still standing but yet again were seprated by another blast of explosion completely destroying the ship leaving ashes and a wave of heat.

With a bold grin ,trevor whispered to himself “it is done “ as he walked away from the view.

As burnt bodies were hipped from the wreckage trevor was sure that no one could have survived that explosion ,it was planned carefully planting the most flammable of substances at the base of the ship.In due time thier camp was attacked as they raided ,raped and slaughtered everyone and everything in sight.

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