Wu Huan stood hiding at the corner watching Zhou Dong and the crown prince. Staring at the crown prince, Wu Huan finally realized that the crown prince liked Dai Chan.

“She's a performer? Crown prince, anybody that works at the brothel is a prostitute. You are the crown prince. You shouldn't be found at such a place. Do you want your mother to be worried about you?” Zhou Dong asked angrily.

“Uncle, don't be so angry. After I watch Dai Chan perform, I will go back to the palace and you will never see me come out. I promise." Crown prince (Xing Ming) said holding up his three fingers up making Zhou Dong sigh in defeat.

“After you watch Dai Chan perform, you will go back?” Zhou Dong asked as he stared at his nephew knowing he couldn't refuse the teenage boy. He was probably infatuated with the prostitute.

“I promise. Thank you, uncle." Zhou Dong heard the crown prince say and turned catching a glimpse of Wu Huan.

Realizing he had been seen, Wu Huan took off immediately and Zhou Dong followed him chasing him. Unfortunately, because of Dai Chan performance, the entire road had almost been blocked with people who had come to watch her play. Seeing his opportunity, Wu Huan ran to where people were gathered making Zhou Dong to lose sight of him. Just as Zhou Dong was about to leave, he sighted crown prince again standing with the crowd and shook his head returning back.

Wu Huan hid within the huge crowd watching Dai Chan play. Dai Chan was so young yet she was so talented being able to play the zither so delicately and soft making everyone fall in love with her. Being as young as she was, Madam Dai hadn't allowed her to serve anyone in bed. In the brothel, she was truly just a performer.

Wu Huan smiled as he watched Dai Chan play. He had watched her play a few times since he arrived at the brothel but he had never seen her play from afar. From afar, she looked even more prettier. Just as Wu Huan was charmed with Dai beauty, the crown prince was also charmed. Since Dai Chan arrived at the brothel, he had visited the brothel a few times to try and get Madam Dai to let her play for him alone but no matter how much he offered, Madam Dai refused to let Dai Chan play for anyone alone.

Almost everyone in the entire capital was gathered as Dai Chan's music echoed far across the streets. Even all the stall owners were charmed. After Dai Chan stopped playing, she stood up smiling gracefully as she bowed while the crowd clapped for her. Watching Dai Chan return back into the brothel, Wu Huan followed going through the back as Madam Dai had instructed.

Meanwhile, all the men started rushing trying to go after Dai Chan but where being blocked at the door. Crown prince spotted Wu Huan entering through the back of the brothel and followed. The back of the brothel wasn't usually guarded unlike the front of the brothel which made it easy for him to enter. Wu Huan entered seeing the brothel was full once more and ignored everything running upstairs to meet Dai Chan while when the crown prince entered, Madam Dai caught him immediately.

Being the owner of a brothel, there were few people she didn't know. In the entire state, there were three places that always had the best information. The brothels, the streets and of course, the palace . Immediately, Madam Dai spotted him, she knew who he was. Bowing her head slightly, Madam Dai greeted.

“Crown prince. You. What are you doing following through the back?” Madam Dai asked.

“I saw that the front was being flooded so I knew I had to pass through the back. Don't ask how I knew to enter. I came to congratulate you. Your brothel does know how to put on such a magnanimous show. Dai Chan didn't fail my expectations of her." Zhou Xing Ming said trying to put on airs as crown prince.

“I am very glad that she didn't fall short of your expectations, Your Highness. I will let her know about your message." Madam Dai said .

" There's no need for you to bother. I can go and congratulate her myself." Zhou Xing Ming said raising his hand to stop Madam Dai as she moved to go.

“Your Highness, please understand me. Dai Chan is still a child. She is not even eighteen yet. I can't allow anyone to spend them with her privately." Madam Dai said.

" I am also not yet eighteen. Although I understand your strategy, I don't have time to play games with you. I just want to see her and congratulate her. I won't do more than that.” Xing Ming said giving Madam Dai no other choice.

“Fine. Can you at least allow me to send someone to inform her? You don't want to catch her when she's changing.” Madam Dai said watching as Xing Ming nodded his head.

Turning to one of her girls, Madam Dai called her over giving her instructions to tell Dai Chan to come to the other room. Watching as the girl nodded her head and left, Madam Dai turned to crown prince sighing.

Meanwhile, Dai Chan had been cleaning her makeup. After playing the zither for so long, her fingers were red from pain. While she was removing her earrings, Wu Huan entered the room startling her.

“Sister Dai, you looked so gracefully as you played the zither. Even more gracefully than the empress herself." Wu Huan said excited as he closed the door not minding etiquettes.

Dai Chan laughed turning her face back to the mirror watching through it as Wu Huan sat down.

“You have never seen the empress play before. How can you say my zither skills are better than hers. The emperor is the son of heaven, his wife must be the Phoenix of the skies. You can't compare us both.” Dai Chan said laughing.

“It's my opinion. To me, Sister Dai Chan is certainly better than everyone else." Wu Huan said.

" Thank you my little brother.” Dai Chan said as she played with Wu Huan's hair.

While Wu Huan was laughing and the both of them were chatting, the door opened suddenly a woman entered. Unlike Dai Chan who was a little bit closer to his age, Wu Huan wasn't really close to the other women in the brothel.

“Senior sister." Dai Chan said addressing the older woman as she came in.

“Wu Huan. You are here. I thought you'd be with Zhao Yao.” The woman said making Wu Huan hide behind Dai Chan.

“Sister, is there a problem?” Dai Chan asked trying to divert the woman's attention from Wu Huan.

“Yes. Madam Dai said you should change quickly. There is someone waiting for you in the other room.” The woman said.

“But I've already removed my makeup.” Dai Chan complained as she touched her face.

“It's okay. You look beautiful either way. Just go and see him. It's royalty." The woman said smiling as she left leaving Dai Chan worried as she heard he was a royalty. Suddenly, Dai Chan looked down remembering that Wu Huan was a royal. He had not told anyone about his secret. Even Madam Dai had no idea that she was fostering a prince.

“Wu Huan, did you hear that? Go and meet your sister immediately. Stay there. Please don't come out.” Dai Chan said watching as Wu Huan nodded before they left the room together.

Wu Huan held on to Dai Chan's hand tightly as they walked out of the room. Watching her bend down till she was at his eye level, Wu Huan watched as Dai Chan nodded her head pointing at the room where his sister was. Running as she had asked, Wu Huan closed the door entering. Little Zhao Yao was playing in her crib happily which brought joy to his heart. Going closer to his sister, Wu Huan realized it was the toy Dai Chan had bought her.

“Yao Yao, you like Sister Dai Chan too? You like her, don't you?” Wu Huan asked happily as he lifted his sister up playing with her.

Dai Chan walked on the hallway going to where the lady had said Madam Dai had asked her to go. Her feet walked slowly as if it wasn't part of her body. Maybe it was the anxiety taking effect. When she had arrived, she was barely 8 years. Madam Dai had been frank with her telling her that one day, she might have to join the rest ladies. But she was only 14 years, Madam Dai won't think of giving her to anybody, right?

Stepping in front of the door, Dai Chan lifted her hands to open the door slowly. When she had been dressing earlier, she had hidden one of the chopsticks she'd found inside her sleeves. Madam Dai had made sure the chopsticks were always sharp. This was doke in defense of the girls in the brothel. Sometimes men were beasts. They weren't allowed to kill them but injuring them if the situation called for it was allowed.

“Greetings My lord." Dai Chan said shyly as she entered spotting a young man sitting down.

Xing Ming stood up immediately upon seeing Dai Chan. She had been prettier earlier when she was playing the zitter but she was still pretty. This time, she wasn't putting on heavy makeup nor was she dressed heavily as before but she still looked like a goddess. If she was this beautiful even when she was little, imagine how beautiful she would be when she grew up?

“Dai Chan.” Xing Ming called stunned by her beauty.

Dai Chan let out a sigh of relief when she realized it was someone of her age that had come to see her. She had thought it was a man or a grandfather perhaps.

“Why are you laughing? Is there something on my face?” Xing Ming asked cleaning his face with his sleeves immediately to make sure he wasn't embarrassing himself.

“No. It's just that I thought it was someone else. You look like my age. Please take a seat." Dai Chan said smiling as she walked to the table.

“Oh." Xing Ming said happy that Dai Chan was smiling. She looked pretty at every angle.

“Your Highness, what brings you here?” Dai Chan asked.

“How did you know I was royalty?” Xing Ming asked surprised.

“They told me. They said royalty was supposed to see me. Are you not the one?” Dai Chan asked looking around.

This time, it was Xing Turn to sigh in relief as he realized Dai Chan had no idea who he was. His identity would be a hindrance to him.

“I am the one. I am a prince. I have admired your zither skills. Actually, Madam Dai wasn't going to allow me in. I had to tell her I came to congratulate you. You have become very popular in the capital." Xing Ming said.

" Thank you, Your Highness for your kind words. I'm honored.” Dai Chan said.

“No need to be formal with me. I just want to see if I can learn the zither from the you. You will teach me, right?” Xing Ming asked.

“Your Highness, I would really love to teach you. But I'm afraid this decision isn't in my hands. You will have to talk to Madam Dai.” Dai Chan said.

“I will. If I do so, will you teach me?” Xing Ming asked.

“Yes, I will. Your Highness." Dai Chan said.

Xing Ming left the room very happy as he had gotten Dai Chan's promise. All that remained was talking to Madam Dai. While he was leaving, Wu Huan opened the door a little watching him. Wu Huan immediately remembered him. He was the crown prince. Wu Huan hid watching as Dai Chan then came out and suddenly, he became curious. What had they talked about?

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