(Two years later)

Wu Huan walked across the palace with his entourage following him as he entered into the court room. All the ministers stood up and immediately greeted him before he took his seat. This was his life now. After dealing with all the matters of state for the day, Wu Huan went to visit someone. Opening the door, Wu Huan was suprised as he saw greeted with someone running to meet him.

“Your Majesty." Wu Huan heard his wife say and nodded his head at her too.

“Royal father." Wu Huan heard Huanxing say and smiled.

Day by day, Huanxing resembled the woman he had loved to the ending. The fact that he wasn't at her side at her last ending was forever a big regret to him. Nevertheless, she left him a perfect gift. Her son. Wu Huan didn't mind who was Huanxing's father. To him, he was his son and he would take care of him as long as he was alive.

Few months later, Wu Huan left the palace and arrived last on the mountains. All the other members of Liming were already there wi
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