22- A sound of Revenge

"Mr. Steven could not understand what was going on before him, he had called the police to apprehend the fool before him but here by here they were, negotiating with him.

"What is the name of the ten devils are you waiting for?" Mr. Steven thundered angrily at the DPO already shivering with hate and anger but the DPO shot a weird smile at him.

"I can't do that, Mr. Steven. We only have your word that he assaulted you and there isn't even any proof that he did that first," he fired, replying as calmly as he could.

"Yes I slapped him first and I am going to do it again but what gives him the right to retaliate especially when with a poor limping ass like his" Mrs. Steven spat on the floor.

Richmond watched the drama closely, shivering with hate and anger. "I wish you knew who I am, you would not open your mouth and spill out such nonsense," he fired at Mr. Steven.

"And who the hell do you think you are?" Mr. Steven fired at him, a limp and nothing more, he spat again on the floor.
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