Aera bowed her head respectfully to Dr. Karin as she knelt before her. She had already discarded all of the pride that she had been concealing deep within herself. At this point, the only thing that was going through her head was how she could convince Dr. Karin to assist her in repairing the pillar so that she could save Yujin.

In the meantime, Dr. Karin was acting a little unsure of herself because she was aware of the fact that she had not the slightest inkling that Aera would do something of the sort for her son. Dr. Karin was taken aback when she discovered that Aera was willing to beg for the sake of her son. She had been under the impression that Aera's only experience with abuse was at the hands of her late husband, so the revelation came as quite a surprise to her.

"Get on your feet! Stop kneeling before me.” Aera was informed straight away by Dr. Karin.

Dr. Karin could not stand the thought of Aera engaging in an activity that she was certain Aera would abhor engaging in h
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