Ikkie stared at the bloodlusted oculars the woman had, and he grinned even more putting himself in a battle formation. His right leg was inched forward, while the left was pushed back parting the soil in the process. The kneecap area was then bent to give him a strong propelling platform by exerting all the force needed on his 'hind leg. Ikki' s hand's were positioned on his left side as if a samurai drawing his sword.


From his tailbone, six bushy yet fiery tails made from heat and aura sprouted flying through the wind. Golden arm guards formed from the very same essence coalesced his hands and arms while a crown formed from the head of a fox appeared on his head. To wrap up the transformation, a large dragging katana originating from the same essence settled in his palms.

The battlefield was quiet, no movement made between the two combatants. The stale yet evaporating atmosphere could be cut by a knife from the tension, even the bloodlust emitted from the two individuals was so potent, it affected the people outside, spectating. It made children tremble in fear.


The howl of the Jester was the indicator of the battle starting. The large Scythe the Jester was holding, rotated and slashed the air in front of Horneva releasing a crimson scythe conjured up of energy towards Ikki at frightening speeds. The aftermath of the Jester's swing obliterated the interior of the room kicking up debris and even changing the conditions programmed for the area.

Ikki seeing the devastating attack rushing towards him, dashed forward. Behind him, twelve Mach cones made up of compressed air pressure folded and a boom resonated as the ground split into multiple fragments. He rushed towards the scythe and midway there, Ikki breathed out, breathing into life myriad of flame foxes which tore the scythe to bits and pieces resulting in an explosion that further more shook the arena itself. Using the smoke cover, Ikki dashed out from the smoke swinging his hand horizontally, in level to Horneva's neck bringing the sword he had in hand with him.

The Jester seeing the possible decapitation its host was facing, released one hand from the scythe and grabbed the sword, still grinning like it always did. A corporeal hand emerged from Horneva's stomach per the Jester's command and it hit the armor on Ikki's stomach launching the man towards the wall where he impacted heavily, spitting out saliva mixed with blood.

Ikki dropped to one knee and stared at the Jester, unlike Horneva, he couldn't keep up the Dynasty Form for a long period of time. He had to finish the match as soon as possible, Ikki knew of the girl's power at the moment, she was a tempest, tearing through everything in its path.

“Tch! To think I'm forced to reveal my trump card this early”

Annoyance evident in Ikki's tone as he got up. Qi radiated around his already covered body generating a heatwave that distorted the atmosphere around him. The heat and Qi busted into life as fire, raging fire feeding from the atmosphere abundant gazes ignited burning even brighter.

Burning Geyser!

The conflagration controlled exploded outward covering every square inch of the room as it moved, destroying everything in its path as it headed for the adversary.

The said adversary, smirked yet again and dug the scythe the Jester held onto the ground. From the handle of the staff, purple light ignited and with a fierce swing, the scythe tore through the incoming wave splitting the examination room in two in the process. Traveling at subsonic speeds, Ikki prepared himself as he had clear vision from within the flame, he stomped the ground with his heel, cracking it in the process of doing so.



The wave connected to the center but not before Ikki's Flame Eruption erupted from beneath Horneva, having traveled the distance from Ikki to Horneva at the same speed as the Executioner's judgment. A loud boom resonated as the examination room, was torn apart.

When the dust and flames mixture died down, both contestants were out cold on the floor, with each having damage from each other's respective assails.


The building was quiet, they had witnessed by far the most destructive match in the hunter exams for that year. No one opted to speak, not even Arthur who just witnessed the amount of power Ikki had under his sleeve, not to mention a mythical spirit residing in him. Even though he knew he could beat Ikki in due time, but the strength portrayed at that instant made him be on the edge.

❛ To think he wasn't all talk... That power is indeed frightening. No to mention the eerie feeling that lapsed over when Horneva used hers. ❜ Arthur thought, focusing on the abilities shown first hand. The amount of Qi exhibited by both individuals was enough to match up to Evangelist and it continued to grow. That did not sit well with Arthur.

“Would you look at that, he wasn't all talk, he packs a bite.” Min-yin broke the silence as she made herself comfortable in Arthur's lap.

Her gesture didn't go unnoticed and a displeased expression married Evangelist's face. She felt uncontested jealousy fumigate deep within her.

“But I know he can't beat my Arthur” Min-yin coo'ed intentionally adding my to the statement, she raised an eyebrow as she drifted her eyes to look at Evangelist wanting to see her expression.

Got her!

My? My Arthur? Who does this woman think she is? Evangelist was fuming inside. She knew Min-yin was trying to get her to be jealous but for the sake of her she just couldn't seem to ignore her no matter how much she tried, Min-yin always got on her nerves.

Arthur gulped as he felt the tense ambience between the two ladies. He was going to open his mouth but decided to keep quiet not wanting to be at the receiving end of Evangelist's fury.

❝ It seems like both participants are out cold, this brings us to the close of our second match and my has it been a wonder, from the graceful first match to the barbaric second match. What do these contestants have in store for us. ❞ The commentator said, his voice echoing through the building, reaching even the guildmasters and representatives quarters. 

Lieh shifted in his seat, the amount of power shown was enough to make him want them. The Crimson Guild's strength would be definitely strong with them, he would do anything to shape their abilities to be the strongest, after all they would be training under the hands of a World Ranked Hunter. He was thinking of Arthur, but with the new development, he found Arthur's abilities being overshadowed by the two mythical awakenings. Danmaxhi the Jester of Death and Akuma No Shiki the Kitsune Of Fire. Two of the legendary awakenings ever recorded.

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