❝ Arthur has not only managed to dominate the Coyotes but dominated the gate King, His swords are miraculous, are they part of his awakening? ❞ The commentator bellowed out, as the broadcast repeated Arthur's clearing of the second phase. The audience was cheering for the boy who was passing everything with superb colors. Even guildmasters and guild representatives were showing keen interest in Arthur.

❝ Would you look at that, Mineta Oʼrlos has cleared the stage as well and he is now face to face with Arthur. The two prodigies are about to collide, we will get a view of what they can do. In Qi, Arthur completely bests Mineta but from what we just witnessed, Qi doesn't determines the skill. ❞ The commentator said yet again, and the crowd reacted in Accordance to the enthusiasm of the commentator.


Arthur stepped forward, his eyes looking directly at the person across him. He knew nothing about Mineta aside from the fact he was the one who had the second highest Qi reading in the examination. To show camaraderie, Arthur decided to extend his sportsmanship.

“May the best man win.”

“Like Wise.”

With those words, an unknown bond formed between them. A bond of mutual respect for one another.

Arthur settled into a stance and so did Mineta. They stopped for a bit until the buzzer went and the match began.

Arthur darted forward, at speeds easily catching a D-rank off guard. As he got closer, a large purple spherical construct flew his way and the speed he was going at, it became nigh impossible to evade. He ran right into the sphere.


The recoil force flung back Arthur who smashed against wall. He shook the cobwebs from his head and summoned the katana he had let go in the process to his hand. ❛ What the hell was that? A bubblegum? ❜

Arthur shot a look at Mineta who was still chewing and making small bubbles with the bubblegum in his mouth.

Interesting, Arthur didn't deny. In his past life he never witnessed such abilities, as such it was the first he had witnessed bubblegum used for anything else like that. A grin plastered itself on his lips as he got up to his feet.

Mineta smiled, Arthur wasn't a disappointment after all. He blew more bubbles towards Arthur's way, closing all the escape points with the overly large Spheres, while creating one beneath his feet to help him levitate in order to get himself out of reach for Arthur.

“Bubblegum Visage!”

Arthur watched the spheres made from gum close in on him, giving him less room to maneuver. He calculated his options, it was then he realized something on the system.

『Click to activate』

“No time like the present.” Arthur shrugged and confirmed the activations of whatever the system had in store for him. He needed aid to survive the onslaught of spheres coming his way.

『Item Upgraded : Ring Of Archeon

Level: 4+

Tier: Unclassified. 

Special Ability : Ring Of Archeon Kings Rule 』

Arthur raised an eyebrow, Kings Rule? What was that about? But he didn't have time to think about what the special ability was all about as the spheres started to viciously explode.

“Kings Rule” Arthur mused loud enough for everyone to hear, his musing got him a round of raised eyebrows, many sat at the edge of their seats awaiting to see what this Kings Rule was capable of.

The Ring Of Archeon, glowed an obsidian pigment and with its glow manifested a barely visible spatial distortion from behind Arthur, weapons, from helbergs to spears to battle axes flew out of the distortion at peak velocity incising through all the spheres causing an explosion to occur shaking the room.

Once the soot settled, the landscape was filled with obsidian weapons ranging in size. This development shocked audience, Mineta and even Arthur himself. He never expected that to happen, grinning once more. He grabbed the broad sword and stepped on the base of the claymore launching himself at Mineta at peak speed.

『Strength: 20 (+24 - Fourth stack)

Speed: 20 (+24 - Fourth stack)

Vitaliy : 6 (+24 - Fourth stack)

Intelligence: 22 (+45 Aether)(+24 - Fourth stack)

Endurance : 15 (+24 - Fourth stack)

Durability : 10 (+24 - Fourth stack) 』

“Featherine Ring active” The ring on his hand desolved into Qi, and formed a feather bracelet around his wrist giving him a wind shield around him deflecting attacks for that limited time period.

Arthur swung the broad sword down in an arc, aiming to cut through Mineta. However, the latter blew a bubblegum which formed a shield, the shield bounced off the blade but the force shot Mineta down onto the uncovered part of the ground.

Arthur's eyes glowed crimson, as he grabbed the handle of the broad sword and it separated into two. The curved edge, of one half of the blade beaming vividly with Qi. “Three Thousand Worlds Convergence.” Arthur declared as he used one of the techniques he had used in his past life.

In a second, Arthur struck down one after the other sending out sharp wind slashes which impacted the ground without stop. He smashed the blades together, joining them into one and descended face first with it by his side.

Mineta although buried by the huge wave of slashes managed to tank them all when he encased himself in a bubblegum. Shaping the bubblegum, he created a scope and multiple barrels facing above him. His eye looked out the scope and he witnessed Arthur descend at full speed. He snapped his fingers and the barrels shot projectiles at Arthur like a gattling guns.

Arthur twisted his body evading the projectiles, but not all of them, some scraped his arms, face and forehead leaving blood to sip through the scratches. “Time I end this!”

Arthur swung his blade once he got in attacking range. The blade cut through the top but couldn't make it through the bubblegum. Then something bizarre happened, as if wired together. The weapons loitering the battlefield removed themselves from the ground and honed in, making Mineta and his sphere an iron maiden. They pierced through the bubblegum shield causing an explosion to occur.

When the explosion died down, Mineta was unconscious on the ground while Arthur was leaning on the broadsword, huffing and puffing.


The lobby was quiet, everyone including the commentator could utter a word, they had just witnessed one of the most splendid matches in the history of the Hunters exams.

❝ W-winner of the first match Arthur Enryu! ❞ The commentator announced, and a round of cheers followed right after.

Arthur huffed to himself and exited the fighting room as the medics came in through the door that had opened up when he won. The swords disappearing and Blood Orchid powering down, he felt fatigued but was glad that, he was the first one to pass. His journey on becoming a hunter was now looking extremely bright.

He sat down on the chairs outside and relaxed there, Arthur closed his eyes.

Two shadows foreshadowed his vision. Arthur cracked an eye open and watched the people who were obscuring his sight. To his surprise, Evangelist and Min-yin stood there. He quickly straightened his posture and looked at the two ladies.

“What may I do for you?”

Min-yin grinned and propped herself down next to Arthur. She wrapped an arm around his shoulder, making the boy shy around. “Congratulations Arthur, you've proved that you are hunter candidate.”

Arthur rubbed his flushed cheek, Min-yin's breasts were squishing against his arm. He found it hard to focus, but managed to gather up some courage to nod. Evangelist, shook her head and looked at Arthur.

“Did you purposely hide that you have more than one awakening? Is that even possible? Just what are you Arthur?” She threw question after question at the boy who was preoccupied by Min-yin.

Arthur grinned and closed his eyes. “Mother Evangelist, I didn't do anything on purpose, just like you I don't know anything it just happened.” 

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