Chapter 339: No. Deal

The Markopoulos wondered why Master Mjief had suddenly intervened himself.

The situation was different with Charles; he immediately fell due to the Ancient Blood's friction, but the situation differed with Benedict, who no longer experienced the same effect.

That's why Master Mjief dared to approach him. Now, the key to opening the portal that trapped Abraham lies with Benedict.

All that was left was to sacrifice nine divine weapons, 7 Ancient Beast Gods, and 3 Ancient race blood into the Awakening Gear.

To obtain this Awakening Gear is very difficult.

"Father, you'd better rest. This is my problem; I want it to end quickly." Benedict said softly and was only heard by Mikkel and Wanda.

Wanda's eyes widened, having heard Benedict call Master Mjief father. "So this man..." Wanda thought with a shudder.

Mikkel simply nodded and returned to his seat using the Warp Hole skill.

"Teacher Kira. Sorry, I meant chief supervisor. I have o

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