Chapter Eight (Captured In The Lion's Den)

A massive amount of water squirted over Raymond's face. He jolted back to reality for a moment, and all he recalled was him standing beside a couch next to Kira - asking her about his target - John Marvin. And there was pain and thick darkness thereafter.

Now the sharp pain in his head won't let him concentrate on the aura, but then he noticed his hands had been tightened behind his back and he's fastened to a wooden seat - in the middle of a slightly lit up spacious room. He looked at where the considerable stream of water came from, and he saw a guy holding a huge can. His face was masked.

Raymond jiggled, trying to loose himself from the grip of the chains and a voice echoed "Don't move"

Raymond traced the voice to the lips of a light-skinned man - standing right in front of him. He squinted his eyes and flickered rapidly. That's the target. John Marvin. Four hefty men stood next to him. And surprisingly, Kira and the guy from the strip club - but his head was wrapped with a bandage.

"Surprised?" John scorned - kneading his palms together.

Raymond didn't utter a word. He maintained eye contact with John with gritted teeth.

"I heard you're looking for me," John said, he walked to the side, eyes still locked on RaAymond. "What the fuck do you want from me?" John yelled, landing a punch on Raymond's face. Raymond's head wobbled to the back. When he erected his head again, blood oozed from his nose and mouth.

"I want your life" Raymond muttered with gritted teeth and piercing pain. John cracked up and he took a step backwards. He suddenly ambled forward and dabbed Raymond's face.

Raymond screamed in outright pain - a gasp gliding out of his bloodstained lips. When it seemed like he had gathered his breath, a smile appeared on his lips. That smile was the last thing John expected, as he exchanged glances with Kira and the other guys standing there.

John leaned close to Raymond, his breath hitting the fluffy skin on Raymond's nose. "You know I can kill you right now huh?" He mumbled with his teeth gritted.

Raymond scoffed and spat on John's face. John hovered back and wiped the clump of saliva with his jacket. He tightened his fist and rained punches on Raymond. "Ugh," he groaned.

He pulled out a gun - pointing it to Raymond's head "Who the hell are you? Why did you follow Kira? What do you want from me?" He roared. "Speak before I spill your fucking brains"

"You should ask them to give you a round of applause" Raymond snarled.

John tugged the gun back and exchanged glances with everyone. "That's some good balls for a retarded minister like you. I never knew you've got street blood flowing in your veins" Raymond said, and a chuckle curled on his lips. "You're one hell of a greedy, blood motherfucking ass...."

"Don't mess with me" John interrupted. "What do you want?"

"You remember what happened on 21st September? I'm sure you were at your penthouse in Atlanta - watching the news broadcast that night" Raymond said.

John paused for a moment - dazed at what Raymond was saying. He gave him a blank stare. A stare that implied Raymond knew a lot more about him and he could not wait for him to unfold whatever he's got and tell him what he wanted.

"....and how is that your fucking business?" John yelled.

Everyone standing in the room was confused - except Raymond. None of them had a clue of what was going on, but the look on Kira's face depicted curiosity and she couldn't wait to hear it all.

"I kill for a living," Raymond said.

Everyone's eyeballs dilated and they had their gaze stuck on Raymond.

"....and I won't hesitate to eliminate any potbellied asshole like you who take delight in stealing from the poor. You're such a greedy animal" Raymond added, emphasizing the 'Greedy Animal"

John tried to disguise the shock in his eyes, but the sweat cascading from his trembling cheek gave him away.

"You have the twenty billion dollars in your possession and I know that's why you're here in Nairobi to squander it all. A fund meant for the less privileged and the innocent people who're suffering"

John clapped his hands together. "Nice" He walked back and forth. "That project was top secret. No one knew about it. How the fuck did you find out?"

Raymond grinned. He tilted his and locked eyes with John. "You should be peeing in your pants right now because I know everything about you, and you know nothing about me. Isn't that enough reason to be scared? Raymond scoffed.

"Now listen you moron" John leaned forward, and he dragged Raymond close to him - gazing at him eye to eye. "There's nothing you or anyone can do to me. That money is mine and I have claimed it. Fuck what you know. You can do nothing about it. You're in my den. I will kill you and feed you to the dogs and hyenas" John said, vehemently letting off Raymond, causing him to groan in pain.

Raymond gritted his teeth. He shot John a stare. "You're one hell of a greedy bastard," Raymond said when it felt like he had gathered his breath. "You will refund that money, John. Thousands of people will lose their homes and their lives, children will be subjected to poverty, and there will be no solace for the families of those who died in that attack. You pay for your crimes..... "

John burst into a long frail laughter. The laugh faded from his face and he stared at Raymond with bloodshot eyes "I see you've been sent to do the unthinkable. But I will make your life miserable. There is nothing you or the American government can do to me. That. Money. Is. Mine. And I have taken it"

Raymond scoffed. His heart was beginning to constrict in rage as he gazed at John. "You will beg for your life. You will plead for mercy, but it will be too ......"

John landed a slap on Raymond's face before he completed the sentence. "Shut the fuck up" he walked forward. "I can choose to hand you over to the police or humiliate and kill you myself. But you will wallow here until I determine what I wanna do with your pathetic ass" John said. He spat on Raymond's face.

He walked away, and the four men followed him. Kira gave Raymond a blank stare before walking away too.

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