500: No Counterattack

Sam's lawyer didn't have a panicked expression at all. But rather he was as calm as possible while he looked at the female lawyer "Don't worry about it at all. She's just blabbing and I'm sure about that.. that's the same thing that Leo guy said and now she's saying it. They don't actually have any evidence but are just good at blabbing. So I don't even think we should be worried about them at all" he said with a smile.

"Is that so...?" Sam was slowly calming down "Then I guess we don't have to care about his blabbing then.. since he obviously doesn't have any evidence..." before same could even finish his words to himself, the female lawyer had began speaking.

"On the screen now is the clip the victim recorded" she said as she turned to the screen and began displaying clip recordings to the people there.

There were two people talking and It was a conversation between Sam and his father. It was without doubt their father and this was the conversation they
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