507: Out of your mess

He was pacing around in the office, mumbling to himself while also cursing at himself for the mess he had mess. Which was losing a lot of money in gambling and now he was left with a lot of debt and it was impossible to pay back.

Over Five hundred Million dollars wasn't a small amount! And he had lost this money while drunk. He was simply carried away then.

"What do I do now....how do I get out of this mess..." he mumbled while pacing around. A lot of ideas rushed through his head while he paced around. Even the idea of selling this company was one of them! But he didn't think selling. But it wasn't a ransom decision that could be taken. So it was gonna be hard.

While he walked around in thoughts, he had gotten a knock on the door. And he looked up at the door "And who is that now looking for me? Doesn't this person know that it's time to get off work already?" He questioned as he said aloud "What?"

No one said anything from the other end of the d
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