540: truth behind smiles

Max Paused, shocked by the news he was just hearing from Ryan. He couldn't believe him and at first thought he was just making it all up "You know you can't scare me with that..."

"I'm not trying to scare you" Ryan replied with a cold expression and a scheming smirk on his face "I'm Simply Sharing the truth with you. And that's all. I think it's up to you to believe me or not"

He smiled as he continued "But as for what I said...I'm more than sure. He called me and told me about it with the hope that I'd work for him. But he doesn't know that I've deleted the video he had on his phone and even betrayed him by telling you. So it's up to you to take it or you leave it" he said looking at the money Max had given him "As for me, I've done my part and I think I should take my leave now"

He didn't say much as he had passed down the information he wanted to pass. So he got up to his feet and walked away. Leaving Max there to think for himself and on what he had j
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