547: Grand Conference

Max was pacing around in his sitting room. A glass of wine in his hand and the TV on before him as he walked back and forth. He had sent an invitation to Leo or rather the anonymous who was after him. He had sent it a day ago after doing research and finding where to send it. But he hadn't gotten any answer at all. So he couldn't be sure if the person he had invited to the conference would be coming.

He didn't know who it was. His core reason for inviting him was to find out who he was. And when he did he'd know how to take action against him. He was anxious while pacing around and wondering if he was going to come or not. but he wished he did come so his efforts won't be in vain.

But he guessed his worry was in vain. Because as he looked at his TV, he saw someone walk into the scene. He paused, not knowing who it was because it was being shot from behind. He paused while staring and coming to a realisation that this might actually be the person he was waiting for.
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