549: Meeting

Leo didn't bother answering the questions being thrown at him. He didn't plan on it. He intended to leave all in suspense and was curious about the whole situation. So he didn't bother answering.

He watched as they dragged Sam out as another batch of reporters followed behind, trying to get information from the whole situation from his own Point of view. Leo hesitated as he got up to his feet and followed behind. He left outside where Sam must have been taken out to.

While he left, the reporters had also followed behind as soon as possible. Their cameras directed towards him while they kept asking the same questions to him.

Leo walked out to meet them taking him away. He wanted to go after them and stop. He figured he had things he wanted to talk to Sam about and revelations he wanted to him. But he didn't bother. He guessed it wasn't the time for that now.

He watched as they took him into the car and drove him off while Sam kept looking out
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