Author: Lord Comfort

"I can't wait to see the look on her face when I propose to her," Damien said with excitement written all over his face.

He was at his best friend's place, Stella, his friend from way back who had always been by his side.

He came over to show her the wedding ring and talk to her about his plan to ask his girlfriend, Anna, to be his wife. They had been dating for quite a while and he felt it was time.

"I don't want to hold back anymore, Stella. I want to tell Anna how badly I want us to take this relationship to a different level," He shared, staring at the ring in the box.

Stella, who stood behind him, watching how he was expressing his desire for someone else, felt sad while watching her friend.

Her hands twisting below her abdomen, looking all worried.

"Today is her birthday. She called and begged me not to miss it. You know how Anna can be at times? " He chuckled, turning over to face Stella, only to meet her looking so worried.

"What’s wrong, Stella? Is everything okay?" Damien asked his friend, hoping she was fine.

Unable to hold it back, Stella said, " Please don't go, Damien."

"What? Why?" He questioned with his brow lifted in surprise.

"Why shouldn't I? You know it's my girlfriend's birthday party?"

"I'm telling you this for your own good, Damien. No matter what you do, don't go to that party," She warned.

But a desperate Damien needed to know why. "I won't listen to you unless you tell me the reason."

"That's because Anna has planned something bad against you! " She revealed at once.

Damien looked a bit surprised but chuckled next. "Something bad? Come on, Stella, stop all these."

"I'm serious, Damien. I overheard her at the mall I went to yesterday. She has planned something bad against you," She shared, showing her worry.

Damien just stared at her, unable to accept that Anna would plan such for him since he's her boyfriend.

"Just don't go, Damien. Don't go," Stella begged, hoping Damien would listen.

Damien shrugged at Stella's words. He then said, taking his steps back, " I'm going there to attend her party. She needs me to be by her side, and I won't disappoint her."

"Damien!" Stella called out, but the desperate lover left.

Stella felt upset about this.


"She planned something bad against me?" Damien scoffed approaching the Blackwood's mansion.

His girlfriend, Anna Blackwood, is the only daughter of a millionaire. Damien and Anna crossed paths four months ago when he first laid his eyes on her outside a store and showed his interest in her.

And Anna didn't hesitate to agree with him. Since then, they have been lovers, despite him being a poor guy.

"I can tell she's the one for me," Damien said, making his way towards the entrance of the mansion.

He was about to go through the door when he got a text from Anna, telling him to take the back door, so she could see him.

Feeling his girlfriend wants an alone time with him, Damien does as Anna wants.

He took out the ring and held it in his hand.

He went to the back, opened the back door, and was suddenly bathed with a full bucket of dirty water from head to toe, spoiling his clothes and rendering Damien wet.

When this happened, Damien heard an uproar of laughter from ahead.

He looked up and saw so many people gathered there, including Mr and Mrs Blackwood, Anna's parents.

"I knew he'd come through. What a loser, " Anna's voice came in.

Damien looked towards her direction and found her in the arms of another man, who was dressed in a fancy suit.

"I guess you won the bet, my love," The man said, kissing Anna on the cheek.

Anna smiled, smirking at Damien.

This shocked Damien on hearing what the fellow with her had said.

"A bet? Love?" He uttered, still looking at Anna.

"Hey look! He has a ring in his hand!" Someone yelled out, pointing at the ring Damien was holding.

Anna sees this and bursts out laughing.

"A wedding ring? Are you for real you fool?" She insulted Damien.

"You brought a ring to propose to my daughter? Does my home look like the place for a poor man to just walk in and ask for my daughter's hand in marriage?" Mr Blackwood asked, glaring at Damien.

A hurt Damien slowly hid the ring behind, feeling sad over what was happening.

"In case you didn't grab, Mister, Anna doesn't love you nor did she see you as one worthy of her love. She was only playing with you. So, take that nonsense back, " Mrs Blackwood said.

That got everyone laughing, pointing at Damien.

Damien looked at Anna and saw how she was clinging to the man in a suit. Upset, he asked her, " So, you have been playing with my feelings?"

"Oh gosh! Where you deaf?" Anna sparked at Damien.

"I don't love or give a damn about you. This is my boyfriend, Ken. He's a millionaire, and I love him only, " She confessed.

"You are nothing but a pawn in our fun game, and we finally got the satisfaction we want," She smirked, taking her eyes back on Damien.

She spotted the ring and scoffed out, "I rather die than marry a beggar like you."

Hurt, Damien attempts to approach Anna, but he's immediately grabbed by their guards, who feel he wants to fight the Blackwoods.

"Let go of me!" Damien yelled, trying to set himself free.

"Throw him out! " Mr Blackwood ordered.

"Yes, throw him outside. He's ruining my darling's day, " Ken supported, holding Anna in his arms.

The guards dragged Damien and tossed him out through the gate, warning him to never return.

A wet and smelling Damien sat on the ground, looking at the Blackwood's mansion in anger.

A car pulled up from behind, with a huge man in a suit, stepping out to meet Damien.

He stood beside him and said while looking at the building, " How dare these people treat a trillionaire like you in this manner! Give me the permission to deal with this family, sir."

"No," Damien said, rising to his feet.

He glared at the mansion once more and said, " Allow me to handle them myself. I'll make them regret ever messing with me."

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