Chapter 144

Damien was having a good time making the call with Usborne, he did not want the call to end but he knew that he was going to have to make himself prepared for the next round of shit that was going to happen.

“I will talk to you soon Damien, I need to make sure that there is nothing going on behind my back here in my house.” Usborne was about to end the call and Damien was a bit relieved that he was not going to make up an excuse to try and end the call.

“Okay then Mr. Usborne, I will talk to you later.” Damien said before the line went dead. Damien dropped his phone and he tried to make sure that there was nothing else he was going to be doing but trying to make sure everything was okay.

‘Anna did say she would come here, I thank heavens that she didn't get here when I was on call.’ Damien knew that Anna would be there to make sure that there was nothing out of place and that she was going to make sure that she would make it look like she was doing it all out of love but her true inte
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