Fred's Proposal to Rose
Chapter 64

Bang! Bang! It was the loud sound that came from the living room, and everyone halted, looking at each other, surprised.

“What's happening at the party?” Rose asked rhetorically and immediately trailed down the stairs and the rest immediately followed behind her with racing heartbeats.

Meanwhile, in the living room, the music had abruptly stopped after Stephen flung one of the bottles of wine to the floor.

Everywhere was silent and everyone remained speechless at the sudden display of anger.

The woman who had confirmed that the wines were actually genuine and not fake ones, shook her head. Her face wore with pity as she mumbled to herself.

“He's going to regret doing this. He damaged the bottle even after I told him they were the original ones. He really needs to control his anger.”

She said, shaking her head as she watched Stephen grab the second bottle.

“I won't risk my mother's life with these fake wines.” Stephen's thunderous voice was heard in the liv
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