Michael Terminate the Proposal

Chapter 8

The news of Golden Group of Companies accepting the collaboration proposal from Best Fashion Company circulated the whole town.

Everyone was fully aware that a new CEO had finally stepped on board. And the entire family of Miller White was set at the edge of extreme happiness.

The White family had been in enmity with the Stephen family over the years now unbeknownst to Michael. It all started when White chose to betray Stephen and went ahead to establish his own company after stealing from the company they both had together.

That was how Stephen's family fell into the huge loan they were owing because Stephen, Rose's father, was the one who borrowed the money, and the signature was signed under his name.

As Michael was cleaning the furniture which was his regular work, the entire family was busy watching TV shows together. It was weekend so everyone was present at home and no one went to work.

“Rose! Have you heard about the news?” Maria was the first to talk, breaking the long silence in the living room.

“The news of those betrayals' company proposal been approved?"


“Of course, Mom. No one hasn't heard about it. And I must say that the new CEO has no clue about the decision he just made because he is going to regret approving their proposal.”

“I just wish I could meet that CEO one-on-one. So I can tell him everything about that betrayal called White.” Stephen exclaimed.

“Dad, you know that can never be possible because the bodyguards won't even allow you to dare get a bit close to him even if you do see him.”

As they were busy discussing, Michael was also busy cleaning the furniture and his ears were opened to their conversations as he was hearing every one of their words.

Just then, the doorbell rang which caused everyone to shift their attention towards the direction of it. Michael quickly hurried to it, and twisted the large door frame and four striking figures came into the limelight.

It was Miller White, his wife, Sandra, and his daughter, Cordelia, with his son-in-law, Paul, the husband of Cordelia. They were all dressed in their best clothes.

Cordelia was Rose's classmate back then in school, they had both attended the same school from primary to higher institution. She was wearing a skimpy skirt with a crop top that revealed almost every part of her body.

“What are you doing in my house, your betrayal?” Stephen was full of anger as he saw them. “You betrayed me and you still have the guts to step your feet into my house. You're unbelievable.”

Stephen roared, stepping forward to them, Rose followed him and also other members.

“Hahaha. My dear friend, Stephen. You still haven't changed. Instead of offering your visitors seats you're here barking like a mad dog.

Anyway, We haven't come for anything. We are just here to tell you that Golden Group of Companies just approved our proposal and you know what that means. Ha ha ha.” A malicious laugh escaped from White's lips.

Michael was lost in thoughts about his father-in-law's action towards the Whites because he had never seen him treat his visitors that way.

So he didn't hear what White mentioned his company's name.

“Go to hell with that. We don't care.”

“Hahaha, innocent Stephen. I'm just pitying you and your entire family because soon you all will owe nothing and you all will see yourselves on the street moving from one side of the road to another like orphans. Ha ha ha.”

“Just shut up,” Stephen screamed. He couldn't hold his anger any longer and he raised his hand to strike him but Paul intervened.

“Don't you dare raise your filthy hand on my father-in-law?” He warned, grabbing his hand in the air.

“And how dare you talk to my father-in-law in that manner?” Michael became so furious that he slammed hard on his nose. And blood instantly started gushing out.

“Why dare you hit me.” Paul roared and was about to strike back but Michael held back his hand. “And I will do it again.” He struck him the second time and continued hitting him.

The whole family was so amazed, seeing Michael stand up for them. They considered him to be a weak man and a coward because he constantly allowed everyone to bully him. But they were seeing a different side of him today.

Although they were happy, they struggled to get him off Paul, fearing he might kill him and they didn't want that.

“Michael stop, I said stop!” Stephen yelled out to him and left a disdainful slap on his face.

“This is all you're good at. You can't even provide for the family and here you're showcasing your strength. I'm so disappointed in you, Michael.”

His father-in-law's words landed on him like a kettle of hot water was being poured on him. He had never felt that bad before. He had never taken to it whenever they humiliated him inside but now his father-in-law was making it public.

With tiny tears in his eyes, he spoke. “But father-in-law, he disrespected you and I….”

“Just shut up.” Meanwhile, Paul was bleeding heavily from his nose, and Cordelia was wiping it off with her handkerchief also assisted by her parents.

“Stephen, mark this date. You all are going to pay for what your good-for-nothing son-in-law just did to mine. Mark my words.” He roared, letting his last words come out one after the other.

“And you! You'll regret laying your hands on him.” He redirected his face to Michael and they stormed out of the compound.

There was silence as they left, Stephen's heart panting heavily and noisily.

“Rose!” Stephen turned his attention to her, looking furious. “It's high time you divorce this good-for-nothing husband of yours. He has brought nothing but shame to this family.

If he had been a well-to-do man, this wouldn't have happened. Can't you see Cordelia, she managed to get her proposal approved because Paul, her husband, assisted her. And what's yours doing? Just leaving off her little earnings.

Get him divorced as soon as possible or I– I'll disown you.” He roared and left, walking to his room.

“You heard what your father just said. Divorce him as soon as possible.” Maria added and left, and Joseph also joined them.

Rose, Michael, and Grandma Isabella were left alone in the room. Michael cast a worried look at her, feeling pained by her expression. Although everything was on him he still cared about her feelings.

He took a step closer to her, his heart panting heavily as he opened his mouth to speak. “Rose, I'm sorry for…..”

“Just go away from me, you worthless man. Get out, I don't want to see you. Just let me be, I hate you, Michael.” She barked, waving him off, and also pushed him on the chest with her fingers. And she fled to her bedroom with teary eyes, slamming the door and booting it.

Although Rose didn't love Michael, she had never considered divorcing him because she never wanted to get married to someone who was going to mistreat her.

She had always wanted to get married to someone that she could control, someone like Michael but it seemed like the time was coming that she should divorce him.

“I'll have to endure all their humiliations to see if she will change and love me,” Michael mumbled to himself with a smile as soon as Rose left and Grandma Isabella didn't notice it.

“My child, don't worry. Everything will be ok.” Grandma Isabella who witnessed everything said with concern in her voice as she glanced at him.

Michael turned with a pretentious face and hurried to her side, taking a seat closer to her. “Yes, grandma. But I need to ask you a question.”

“What could that be?”

“Do you mind telling me little or more about the White's family? What did they do that got my father-in-law so furious?”

Isabella cleared her throat first before she replied. “Those families are very dangerous beings. He betrayed Stephen and ran away with his money, knowing fully well that the money was borrowed.”

“Oh, I see…”

“And he had used that money to open a company called Best Fashion Company.”

“What?” Michael opened his mouth wide, remembering it was the same company he had ordered his manager to approve.

“Is there any problem?”

“Not at all.” He lied.

“Okay. They aren't to be trusted because they're all cheats and don't care about the feelings of others. They're ready to do anything to bring others down just to live happily. Don't have anything to do with them.” She warned.

“That means I have to terminate the proposal as soon as possible,” Michael mumbled, his voice not audible enough. However, Isabella heard him say something but she wasn't sure enough.

“Did you say something?”

“Me? Oh no, I didn't do anything.” Soon they rounded up their conversation and Isabella left leaving Michael all alone in the room.

He quickly picked up his phone and dialed his manager's phone number and after several rings, the call connected.

“Hello, sir, what can I do for you?” Franklin asked humbly from the other end of the line.

“I want you to terminate the proposal with Best Fashion Company as soon as possible, if possible do it now.”

“What? Why?”

“Just do as instructed.” He said and disconnected the call.

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