To the party
Chapter 27

He was shocked to hear that the biggest company had already invited this poor lady in front of him. A lady that wasn't even able to pay their $4,000 loan.

He was very sure that the company wasn't for wretched people like the Stephens, and it was certain that people like them wouldn't be allowed in there.

But the reverse is the case now because this lady in front of him was telling him the opposite of his thoughts.

Being eager to know the place for the first time because of the rumors that he does hear. He asked, “Can I please go with you to the party?”

“What do you mean by that?” Michael, who had been standing, couldn't hold himself from asking sharply.

Why should another man ask his wife such a question when he knows she has a husband? And it was in his very presence.

“You can't go with her, she received nothing but just one invite, right?” He turned his gaze and asked Rose.

However, she didn't answer him but she could see true love and jealousy in his eye
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