In the year 1645 A.D in Rome (Roman Catholic Church) in the holy see residence of vatican where exorcism takes places by some group of popes on a possessed young girl. The exorcism was tough as it took ten priest to relief the victim of evil spirits called legions.
The victim was tied to the ground on a pentagram symbol having inscriptions on it and on her forehead with candles been lit. Father Samson held an incense with holy water, Father Damian held the cross being the leader of the exorcism he also wore a rosary, Father Jude prayed with his chaplet continuously, Father Marcus held on to the holy book to read aloud the words for exorcism, Father Paul held an extra holy water and sprinkled some on the possessed girl as the rest of the Fathers prayed along.
They all recited in order foreign tongues and languages, calling on Mother Mary for intercession as the possessed victim screamed out loud who's voice sounded like that of a thunderous tempest. She began to tear the place apart, using her abilities on the priests, tossing few aside like a ragdoll as she spoke with a demonic raging voice to father Damian who struggles to get back on his feet.
"Oh! Father Damian, has your God forsaken you. Does he not listen to your prayers or is your God dead, lost and gone like the other Gods", she said while laughing. "How many more will have to suffer for this child?".
The injured Father Samson got up, seeing the others dead except for Father Damian who was impaled up by the demon who's eyes were completely black as they gazed wide eye at father Damian. For the possessed victim had taken a horrific look, veins all over her neck as if it were about to pop out, veins undereye, having razor shape like teeth as she had broken from her restraint.
Father Damian bled out from his mouth while pouring holy water on the child which had no effect as she laughed, he coughed out blood severely as he recite from the holy book when father Samson picked up the holy book to read aloud which almost drove her to madness that made the entire place crumble as she used her tentacles to pierce father Samson tremendously as Father Damian placed a rosary on her forehead which burnt like fire, the demon used the child to snap father Damian's neck before freeing the host as she fell to the ground weak.
The great church of Rome reinforced few minutes later only to see the Popes are all dead except for the weak child who's unconscious. One of the manservant stepped on a piece of note written in blood by Father Damian as a warning message to all churches and church of Rome. A very disturbing message that should be taken seriously with caution.
"My God!", said the manservant.
In the recent time, in the year 2023, there lived a man of God who's name is Isaiah, he's a preacher who also works as a reporter in a successful company. Isaiah is an assistant pastor and a preacher in his church of ministry foundation. One day at work Isaiah and his colleagues got into a big argument about the word of God, what is God?, Who's God?, What's his true identity? Does he exist? And why isn't God doing anything about the global disaster due to what's happening in the world, the catastrophe in the world, the bad weather reports happening globally, random death counts in very part of the country. Terrorist, suicide bombers, it's all hell break loose; like the end is near. One of them which he claimed to be a retired pastor challenged Isaiah on the word of God been altered. He made a statement which shocked Isaiah that the God whom christians worship is an evil jealous malevolent god called Yaldabaoth and that the Muslims and every other religion worships the same God with different names.
He told Isaiah that the God whom they worship in different names goes by many names such as Allah by Islamic religion, Krishna by Hinduism, Zeus by the Greeks , Buddha in Buddhism and Christianity which is the most leading of all these religion that began the foundation of lies which led almost all religions to follow except for the Gnostics, the christians changed God's name to Jehovah, Lord which are pagan names, even the God they call him is a pagan name.
Yahusha was never Jesus Christ. Names cannot be translated, personal names remain the same in every language. Yeshua was a pagan name from Aramaic and less than six hundred (600) years, Jesus Christ was a pagan name from Greek. All pagan names are Yahweh, Jehovah, yahawashi, yeshua, Jesus and yaohshai are not Hebrew names. Take for instance. "I'm a south African" you don't have to learn my language to pronounce my name. There's no letter E/F/J/I/O/V/W in ABRYM "Hebrew". Lord and God are Pagan titles. He said to Isaiah that if God was God he'd protect his creation rather than to destroy it like the prophecy in the bible about Armageddon.
"But all for this I do not give a fuck about any of this bullshits", He said to Isaiah in the presence of their colleagues.
"God's word cannot be belittled and he cannot be mocked", Isaiah replied. "You better give your life to Christ and be saved before it's too late".
He laughed at Isaiah and said to him, "what good will come out of it for me to give my life to the one who ruined it in perfect harmony at first, let's forget about this word of God nonsense and enjoy the moments of our days. Pastor". Everyone went about their business with Isaiah wondering with his own thoughts, the words spoken by his colleague brought great disturbance in his heart. Could it be there's a lot I don't know about the word of God. He said to himself, I must keep a strong faith of belief, this might be the tricks of the devil to divert my attention from God.
At about 9 PM they retired from work to their place of residence, after few pleasantries to one another, some drove off with their flashy cars, some took a taxi as pastor Isaiah walked home on foot.
He got to his home, pulled off his jacket, loosened his tie and went straight to the direction of master bedroom where it looked like something or someone is kept hidden. He turned on the light only to see his wife still on the same spot as he had left her for work. Isaiah took a deep breath of exhaustion of burden, he came close to his wife laying in bed with an IV treatment. He touched his wife who was not making any positive sign of response to her treatment.
"Dear God!", Isaiah said with tears rolling down from his eyes. "You said in your word that affliction will never rise a second time, father prove your word to me and heal my wife".
After a short while of fervent prayer, he laid to rest close to his wife and about 11:45pm the atmosphere changed like it was about to rain cat and dog, bright flash of light shone around for about ten seconds before the thunderstorm came in, lightning stroke randomly before a massive lightning bolt came crashing down at the front yard of Isaiah, the lightning took out the entire power in the city for about thirty minutes of total darkness.
Isaiah came to put on his generator set, only to find a strange like human figure emerging from a thick fog, when spotting who it was, it was a female presence stark naked, and looking upon her, her face shine bright light, having two mighty wings like that of an eagle, possessing different colors, she had black wing on the right side and white wing on the left side. Her presence alone subdued Isaiah as he fell flat to the ground to give praise and adoration to her. She revealed herself to be Trinity to Isaiah as she told him to "arise".
"Are you an angel?", Isaiah asked? "Who're you?"
"I'm", Trinity replied.
Then Isaiah said to Trinity; "I'm unworthy to call you by your holy name, I'm not righteous enough to stand in your presence, my faith waver like the sea and my wife still lies sick on the bed. Surely, there must be a name that I can call you to redeem my faith"
"PATRINITY", Trinity replied.
Then, Isaiah welcomed her into his home and gave her some of his wife's clothes to put on. He treated her with kind gesture not having the thought of disturbance of his wife's condition, "this must be an angel of the lord who has come to answer my prayers", Isaiah said to himself. After all said and done, she demanded to see Isaiah's wife as he took her to where she's laid, she looked upon her and took pity on her by making her whole again which made Isaiah rejoice to praise God.
This made Patrinity laugh mockingly and asked him what he just did. Isaiah told her that she was God sent to heal his wife and make his home whole again. Giving Isaiah an awkward look, he finally came to his senses and asked her who she truly was.
"She needs to rest", said Patrinity. As the walked to the living room.
"Aren't you an angel of the Lord?", Isaiah asked again.
"What God do you serve?", Patrinity asked.
"The living God of course, the creator of heaven and earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that's the God whom I serve".
"Then no, I'm not an angel of that God in whom you serve, nor am I a demon from the depths of hades".
"Then why are you here", Isaiah asked curiously.
"To kill the Gods", Patrinity replied.
"But there's only one God, and his name is Jehovah, king of kings, Lord of Lords, the mighty one in battle", Isaiah said. "You sound just like my colleagues at work".
"I do not know who this colleagues of yours are but they made a lot more sense than you do", said Patrinity.
"Then how can you kill God?", Isaiah asked. "Or the gods you so claim to do".
"There's a lot you don't know... Heaven isn't going to assist the human race anymore, heaven is against it".
"What do you mean by heaven is against the human race?", Isaiah asked. As Patrinity began to explain in more details.
"And as for your question, I'm going to kill the Gods with the sword of the spirit", Patrinity replied. "Cause I need to start from somewhere. The sword is here on earth alongside with the demons and angels that are scourging this world to errors of nothingness".
After their discussion which ended at 3am sharp. Isaiah offered Patrinity a place in the guest room where she would lay to rest to continue her search tomorrow.
"Goodnight", they both said with Isaiah switching off the light on his way out.
The next day, Isaiah's wife is fully recovered and making breakfast for her husband and their guest, he got up to see his wife and smiled at her as they both kissed.
"How're you feeling my love", Isaiah asked.
"Wonderful my dear, it's miracle", She replied with a smile.
"You didn't go to work today", She asked
"Taking the day off just to be with you, I called the company", Isaiah responded. "Isn't she up yet! I think I'll go check on our guest", He said. Kissing his wife again as he left to check on Patrinity.
He got to the guest room were she was and knocked but no answer, thinking she had left, Isaiah let himself in, only to see Patrinity stark naked as he shyly looked away before spotting some tattoos on her back similar to her wings shape. Patrinity wasn't shy about her nakedness or that Isaiah saw her being naked.
"What brings you here", Patrinity asked. As she then tells Isaiah to be free and behold her nakedness. He beheld her for one could describe the astonishing beauty of PATRINITY. It is made TRINITY. Endowed with the perfect human body whose beauty exceeds that of snow white; fair and beautiful. And the hair of her head like pure wool. Her eyes were like the sparkling fountain of youth, attractive and seductive to bring any mortal man to their knees. Her skin smoother than the clouds of heaven for neither was there any blemish on her, for one could see their reflection in her. Her lips are charming and very pleasant to the eyes, with each lip lining are perfectly evenly matched and we'll structured with an adorable smile that are comforting to the soul. Her teeth are as white as snow made without flaws. Her breasts undoubtably glorious and equally well structured in great proportion to one another. Perfectly curved body lines from the waist to the buttocks (of equally great proportion) in a sexily attractive manner. She possessed the most beautiful straight legs than any perfect human known.
Isaiah said to her that it is sinful to look at naked ladies for it is against his religion and faith and a sin against God.
"The sin of the flesh", said Patrinity. "What is sin?, There's no sin unless you give in to it". She said while putting on her clothes as they both joined his wife at the dinning table.
Isaiah introduced his wife to Patrinity as she thanked her for what she had done for her.
Becca said to her that she was God sent into their home and that she's most welcome to live with them till her heart's desire.
Related Chapters
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TRINITY The sons of God part 4
Rakael an angel, Arstikapha a demon, Armen a demon, Kakabael an angel, Rumyel a demon, Danyal an angel, and Kael a demon. These are the seven entities that emerged out of nothingness to aid the demonic possessed Statue of Buddha who punched the ground and made Patrinity loose balance as the sword of the spirit fell from her grip. Rakael flew over and took the sword as the massive giant Buddha tried crushing Patrinity with all its might. She avoided been crushed while battling with the seven entities furiously. On to the massive Buddha she flew over to the top of its head where she was able to get hold of Armem who tried slighting her throat with her sharp claws, she broke free and was able to use it against her slitting her throat wide open. Kakabael blew a mighty wind from his wings that pushed Patriniy off balance, falling outside the temple, Isaiah seeing this went into hiding when they all came out."Do you really think it is possible to kill us all", said Rakael. "Now that we po
TRINITY The sons of God part 5
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Come, let us reason together. It is not good because I will it. I will it because it is good.You were not made to simply do My will. I am well able to accomplish My own will without any assistance. They aspire to submission and obedience without question. Trained animals do the same. You do yourselves wrong to idolize or imitate sheep. I do not promise away the lives or lands of anyone. I do not deliver enslaved children and stolen possessions into cruel, bloodstained hands for misuse. I neither destroy cultures, defile sacred places; nor burn books and people. Truth requires no coercion.Never would I grant divine sanction to criminal conquest of the peaceful; nor deprive the honest of what is their own. I do not choose any one nation to reject or diminish others; nor privilege one brutal kingdom above the rest. I never chose one people from out of all and set them loose to murder, plunder and rape. This alone would prove Me unworthy of your reverence. None may rightly mani
TRINITY Perfection part 3
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Eschaton and Apocalypse part 2
"God said you should stop looking for him", said Isaiah. "He looked pretty scared though. He was with me the entire time in the garden of Eden before my release"."He used you as a distraction from getting to him on time", replied Patrinity. "But that's alright. As we still have one more thing to do before facing God himself"."What's that if I may ask?", Isaiah asked."Oh you'll see...", Patrinity replied. Then they came to a place where they entered a room, there Patrinity and Isaiah met Jesus. In this case, the name Jesus, Yeshua and Yahusha will be used interchangeably as they're one of two different beings entirely. Jesus held on to a glass of red wine backing Trinity when she came in. A representation of his pictures were hunged on walls around him, rosary and chaplets whatever, you just name it and a symbol of a tree be it a representation of the tree of life or the one he was hunged on "I knew you would come for me but I never expected it to be sooner", said Jesus Christ. "R
Eschaton and Apocalypse part 1
They landed in Roman Catholic Church, that which seemed to have carried her unaware revealed itself to be the archangel Michael."I knew you would be the one to cause trouble above and below not even Heylel could alter God's word", said Michael. "And here we are in this holy sanctuary... Till death do us apart. Patrinity or should I say Trinity".Michael began revealing past secret to Trinity, informing her about the year 1645 A.D in Rome (Roman Catholic Church) in the holy see residence of vatican where exorcism took place by some group of popes on a possessed young girl. He revealed to her, that the victim wasn't possessed but was a prophecy that was never prophesied to come true. It was the abomination which took place six thousand years ago gave birth to the unforgivable sin which was Patrinity.Michael and some angels came down to earth and possessed the priest who carried out the exorcism and the message left was a warning against you and humanity if they ever put their trust in
Revelation of Armageddon
For I Isaiah had seen the revelation of the Gods and in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of the Gods sent forth into all the earth.Athoth known as goodness with a sheep face opened one of the first seal which was felt like the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And they saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, the second beast said, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power and authority was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. And when he had opened the third seal, a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And
Ibriel, Raziel, Castiel, Lezmegadiel, and Amenadiel stood at the entrance of Armageddon holding five golden keys: Ibriel held the key of David, Raziel held the key of Abyss, Castiel held the key of death, Lezmegadiel held the key of knowledge, and Amenadiel held the key of Life. For they went to the end of the earth each heavenly host inserted the keys to their rightful place and brought forth hell and all the abominable things which were never seen nor heard. Lo and behold the four horsemen of death reborn from the key of life. And death fell upon man's world as of they lived in a zombie wasteland for one thousand years. The dead arose to torture the living and knowledge, wisdom and understanding was taken from man.And when she got to the first heaven, Patrinity met Sablo in charge of the first heavenly realm under the command of Athoth known as goodness with the face of a sheep, with two hundred heavenly host waiting for her to battle. There is a brilliant description of how the fi
The act of God
After hell had been destroyed by Trinity, then came Satan who saw the terror of destruction upon his kingdom of darkness and the fallen brethren. Hell had lost it purpose of existence, it hath lost it dark powers and all the evil in it vanquished into nothingness. And when Sabbataios lord of understanding came to Satan in a fury burning face, he informed him of the one who had caused havoc in his kingdom. He retreated up to the heavens and laid complaint about the hand made work of PATRINITY the daughter of the living virtue of righteousness.Now, Eleleth the angel of light came in contact with the ONE with grave news she spake about the death of the ALL FATHER and that the MOTHER is nowhere to be found. He did not show any concerned about the cause of heavens will, he was nonchalant about the things of the spirit for he cared only for the survival and safety of his beloved Eleleth.Then Eleleth said:I beseech thee my love that thou mayest be bothered about the things of Barbelo For
The great tribulation
Then there war a great disturbance in heaven that those who stood by their makers were willing to do whatever it takes to put an end to heaven's threat. Thus, the sons of the most high God came together giving account on every incidence that Trinity had brought to heaven's will. Heylel known as Lucifer the Satan of all abominable act whom his father hated after devouring his own righteous son Sabaoth also known as kingdom, he took the powers to himself for none of the rulers were aware of the cause that he (God) held his mother Sophia as hostage being the source of his very own existence that he might rule over the ALL.For after the death of unbegotten heavenly father, Yaldabaoth became Lord over the ALL he became more powerful than the angels of light: for those who refused to acknowledge him as their Lord were either drained of their glory and light or cast out of heaven. For in the heavens of heaven lies the host of demons.And the devil came to his father and proposed a plan of c
And in the fourth Aeon were placed the souls who did understand their perfection yet they did not repent immediately but they persisted a while. In the end, however, they repented. They will remain in the fourth Light Eleleth, the one who yoked them to himself, glorifying the invisible Spirit. Having been gathered to that place, glorifying the invisible Spirit. Our fellow sister, Sophia, being an Aeon, thought a thought from within herself and in the thought of the Spirit and the Foreknowledge. She freely willed the likeness to appear from within herself although the Spirit had not agreed with her nor had It consented nor had her partner approved, the male virginal Spirit. She freely willed the likeness to appear from within herself. Her thought was not idle and her product came forth imperfect, for it was not patterned in her form for she had made it without her partner, and it was not patterned in the likeness of the Mother. But she did not find her concord. As she was about to acqu
Perfection part 5
The unity is a monarchy with nothing ruling over it. It is the Gold and Father of the All, the holy, the invisible, who exist over the All, the one who is incorruption, existing as pure light, into which it is not possible for any light of the eye to gaze. It is the Spirit. It is not appropriate to think about It as god or that It is something similar. For It surpasses divinity. It is a dominion having nothing to rule over It. For there is nothing existing before It nor does It have need of them. It does not need life. For It is eternal. It does not need anything. For It cannot be made perfect as though It were deficient and only required perfecting. Rather It is always totally perfect. It is light. It cannot be limited because there is nothing before It to limit It. It is inscrutable for there is no one before It to scrutinize It. It is immeasurable because there is no other to measure It as though anything exists before It. It is invisible because there is no one to see It. It is an
Perfection part 4
Logos and the Fullness sought a solution to overthrow what had come into being through the Deficiency. With the blessing of the Father they produced a Second Order of Powers, patterned after themselves. Creating the Second Order of Powers. This new fruit embodied numerous abilities that were better and greater than those belonging to the Imitation. Moreover, the Second Order Powers were formed to fit inside the limited space of the boundary rather than the infinitude of the Fullness. The Fruit of Logos and the Fullness were fitted to the Boundary. And, whereas those of the Imitation were blind to the glory of the Father, this new fruit dreamed of Paradise and the ALL.These happy memories gave them a good disposition that elevated them above the sickness of the Imitation. With that good thought, they worked in harmony and love, for they had come forth from the harmony and love of the Fullness and the Father. The Second Order of Powers reflect the values of the Son and all of the capab