Home / Fantasy / TRINITY / Perfection part 3
Perfection part 3
Author: Richard
last update2022-12-21 16:38:26

This creation story begins before the beginning; before space and time and our material universe. Before the beginning, in the absolute stillness outside time and space, pure consciousness abides in thoughtless, unlimited potential. Imagine, if you will , nothing exists but pure consciousness. Consider this consciousness to be without thought. No thought, no images, no structure or form. No thing at all. This consciousness simply is. Without time, without any prior existence. Unchangeable. Unmovable. Without beginning; without end. Utterly quiet. Utterly still. Utterly alone. All knowing seeing, what is there to know? All what is there to see? All loving, what is there to love? Omnipotent wisdom and will to what end? Imagine this consciousness giving birth to an emanation of itself now a Father, and a Son. In the silence of the Absolute, the Father brings forth the first and only Son from its realization of Itself. The Son exists as the Father having a thought. As the Father knowing Itself. As the Father having a sensation of its own eternal, loving Self. The Son is called the First Glory. The Son emanates the Father’s boundless greatness and love. Possessing every trait of the original consciousness, this Son is a complete and perfect sampling of the Father in which it dwells. Every trait of the Father, now expressed in the singularity of the Son. The Father loved and admired the Son, and the Son loved and admired the Father. These two were well pleased with themselves, and they gave praise and glory to one another. And yet, although it began as the singular manifestation of the Father, the moment the Son was formed, he was no longer alone. For not only the Son, but the ALL arose at once. The ALL immediately appeared as the offspring of the Son, because the Son could not help himself from bringing others into existence, even as he himself was brought into existence by his father. The son and the father are one, and the father's creative Ruach Ha'Qodesh (holy spirit) flows through the son. With the birth of the ALL, the son became a father. The originating Father, that consciousness so lonely and still for eternity, now had a child who had also borne fruit from his glory.

In this way, the One begat the ALL. And the Father loved them ALL, as He loved His Son. The ALL is called the Second Glory, the Joy of the Lord, and the Pre-existent Church. The originating father's consciousness is incomprehensible. Its scope and greatness is so immense andunfathomable that anyone trying to take hold of it will be annihilated. And so the father created the son, giving form to what he had been since his formless solitary self, for his desire was to be known; to love and be loved. The ALL is like an egg that carries within its DNA the future of an entire universe. The Son that arose is perfect, even as His father is perfect and he carries within his perfect form every quality of the Father. Being the perfect image of the Father, the Son’s inherent creativity spread itself out into the ALL, like rays shining from a star . The ALL, like the Father and Son, is infinite and limitless in scope and capability. Each individual ray emerges from the central seed of the Son, shining forth as one shared body . As crystal refracts a beam of light into all the colors of the spectrum, so the son beams forth everyone of his countless qualities as individual, yet unified, rays of the ALL. The son intimately knows each facet of the ALL, for the ALL are all facets of himself. They are concurrently one and many, one and ALL; a selfless diversity giving glory to their father with a single song of praise. The son whobecamethe FATHERof the ALL shines forth as the emergent rays of the ALL. Nolonger a single seed singing the same song in unison, the ALL became aware of its plurality, and now they sang in harmony. The ALL glorified their Father with one mind, for only in the totality of their union could they reflect and exalt the Father’s greatness. However, this state of perfect communion did not last, for the members of the ALL soon became self-aware, and “it” became a “they.” The moment “it” became “they,” identities arose, and the Son’s rays fruited into individuals, each one distinct and self aware.

No longer a single seed singing the same song in unison, the ALL became aware of its plurality, and now they sang in harmony. The Aeons of the ALL awakened to themselves in fulfilment of the Father’s desire for innumerable points of view. In this manner, the ALL fruited, and the Aeons of the Fullness became conscious of themselves and their individual capabilities. The awakened Aeons sorted themselves into a mutually beneficial and cooperative colony a hierarchy consisting of names, stations, ranks, duties, and locations. The instant the Aeons became self-aware, they arranged themselves into the Fullness. Each Aeon occupies a unique place and perspective in the union of the Fullness. The hierarchy of the Fullness prefigures all the patterns, parts, forces, and relationships that would eventually become our universe. The hierarchy defines higher versus lower. It orders first, second, third, and fourth; superior and inferior; inside and out; action and rest; every other possible relationship. Particles and their spins, waves and frequencies, atoms, molecules, attraction and repulsion; cells, and DNA; every protein fold and enzyme. The how, what, why, when, who, and where of all that was to come, began as the perfectly rendered Fullness. As DNAanticipates an organism and a blueprint promises a building, the Fullness embodied the perfect plan of Paradise. For, the Aeons manifested within their hierarchy all of the Father’s innumerable qualities, including consciousness, logic, and love. The Aeons of the Fullness were given wisdom and prudence and a constant thirst to seek their Creator. This gave them a desire to align themselves with the Father’s Holy Spirit through the process of giving glory. The Aeons yearned for communion with their Father, for He had planted His root deep within their hearts and they recognized themselves as His branches and His fruit. The newly self-aware Aeons were not separated from The One Who Is, for their Father was the Son and embodiment of the Formless One, and His Holy Spirit flowed throughout them as a reassuring presence. Although the Aeons dwelt within the single body of the Fullness, they were each an independent self. Their variety required them to work together and remain in full agreement, for only through their union could they approach the Father’s greatness.

“ALL for One, and One for ALL!” is their song. The Aeons of the Fullness dream as one of a Paradise yet to come. Prior to the Fall, the Aeons of the Fullness sat in perfect equilibrium in their hierarchy of ranks, stations, duties, and names. They were a congress of one accord, sharing a single dream of Paradise. We remember this dream as our foretaste of Heaven. In order to remain aligned with the Father’s Will, the Aeons needed to glorify only the Father and never themselves, nor any other Aeon, nor the Fullness as a whole. Furthermore, each Aeon of the hierarchy was to give glory from its own location, using its own God-given talent and not that of its neighbors. And then, a cosmic tragedy occurred. Logos crowned the top of the Fullness. The final Aeon produced by the Will of the Father was placed at the very top of the hierarchy. This youngest Aeon carried within its singular self all of the traits of every other Aeon, perfect and complete. Not only did this final Aeon possess the knowledge and skills of every other Aeon, the Father also endowed him with a natural wisdom and curiosity. Indeed, his name was the very personification of wisdom: “Logos.” Logos marveled at himself in delight and wonder, for he saw in himself the beauty and perfection of the Fullness, and he mistook his own grandeur for that of the ALL. Logos mistakes himself for the Fullness. Believing himself to be equal to the totality of the ALL, Logos launched himself upward toward the “realm of perfect glory,” forgetting all about his rightful place and duties. Motivated by this mistaken, presumptuous thought, Logos reached for the Illimitable, but the Father’s glory was too great to attain. Instead of reuniting with the Father, Logos stumbled and fell. Logos overreaches, and falls. Logos imagined he could build the Paradise dreamt by the Fullness on his own because he understood the design and possessed all of the necessary talents. However, without the consent of the Father and the Fullness, his creation lacked Life and Light. Logos Fell. Logos was unable to bear the light of the Son, so he averted his gaze to the shadows of the depths. Logos faltered, and fell. After the Fall, Logos shattered. These scattered pieces of Logos emerged as poor, weak imitations of the Aeons above. And, because they were no longer arranged in the ecology of the hierarchy, they lacked places, functions, and names. Lacking the perfection of the Fullness, these dark ones came into being in a state of roiling chaos. Rather than acting out of unity, the dark ones manifested only disturbance, upheaval, and confusion. These phantoms of the Deficiency did not reflect in any way the glory of the Fullness. They were feeble, small, and unruly. Lacking in wisdom. They were no one’s progeny. Chaos. Lawlessness. A mindless Deficiency of tiny, weak, shadowy things. Isolated from one another. Alone, in the darkness. Where, before, there had been unity with the Father and with his brethren in the Fullness, Logos found only isolation, division, and a turning away. There was no cooperative will. Presumptuous thought and arrogance replaced the wisdom granted by the Father, and Logos lost himself to ignorance and oblivion. Everything he produced as a result fell disastrously short of his intended glory. The imitations produced as a consequence of the Fall lacked the ability to reason. Their only thought was for themselves, arising as they did from division. They thought they were all there was, and they admired only themselves, not realizing they were but dark shadows of the Aeons of the Fullness. Because Logos had been reaching for the heights when he fell, the Imitation that emerged from the Fall kept trying to reach the unreachable. Only, now, what had been a desire of the Aeons to reunite with their Father became an upward striving for power. Personal ambition eclipsed the Father’s will. For his part, Logos found himself powerless to reign in the rebelliousness of his shattered self. He found in the Deficiency a strange and irrational imitation of life that continued to spawn things on its own that no longer resembled himself nor any of his brethren.

As facets of the shattered Aeon spread out into the darkness, what remained of the brightness and intelligence at the heart of Logos abandoned the Deficiency and returned home to the Fullness. The Fall gave rise to a Boundary that separated those who had remained with the Father from the Imitations that spilled forth out of Logos. As the fallen Aeon retreated to its ownin the Fullness, the Boundary hardened, separating finitude from infinity, ignorance from truth, light from darkness. The Father and the Fullness were repelled by the Fallen, and a Boundary formed to rein in the Deficiency. The Boundary encircles a limited space where a finite economy can emerge. An economy is an interdependent ecology like that of the hierarchy of the Fullness. There were only shadows of virtues left behind when Logos retreated from the Deficiency. The small, weak phantoms of the Imitation that proliferated within the Boundary did not reflect the virtues of the Aeons, and possessed neither the love of the Father nor the consciousness of the Son. Those of the Imitation are not aware of the hierarchy of the Fullness, and do not know about assigned roles, places, and duties. Lacking the Aeonic spirit of cooperation, they exist in a state of perpetual turmoil, driven only by self-centered ambition, and lusting for dominion over everyone they encounter. Left to their own feeble devices, those of the Imitation strive against each other in a state of blind ignorance, isolation, and misery. Logos lamented the Fall and condemned the phantoms born of the Fall. The phantoms hold values contrary to the virtues of the Son as manifested by the Aeons in the Fullness. These simulations of virtues lack the life and love of the Father and the ALL, and arise from self-centered pursuit of dominion, heedless of the cost to others. The Imitations of the Deficiency bring nothing but strife, death, and despair.


hateful, spiteful impatient / wrathful, lustful, greedy, vain-glorious, cruel, hard-hearted / ruthless, angry / resentful, repulsive, rebellious, rude, obstructionist, enslavement, despairing, depressed, fraudulent, slothful, disorderly, reckless, incoherent, greedy envious, indifferent, arrogant, sterile, treacherous, unfair / capricious, gluttonous, magical.


Loving, patient, chaste, generous, worshipful, gracious, merciful, forgiving, welcoming, obedient, respectful, cooperative, freedom of will, hopeful, joyful, truthful, useful, orderly, prudent, logical, charitable, altruistic, empathetic, humble, generative, loyal / faithful, just temperate, miraculous.

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    And in the fourth Aeon were placed the souls who did understand their perfection yet they did not repent immediately but they persisted a while. In the end, however, they repented. They will remain in the fourth Light Eleleth, the one who yoked them to himself, glorifying the invisible Spirit. Having been gathered to that place, glorifying the invisible Spirit. Our fellow sister, Sophia, being an Aeon, thought a thought from within herself and in the thought of the Spirit and the Foreknowledge. She freely willed the likeness to appear from within herself although the Spirit had not agreed with her nor had It consented nor had her partner approved, the male virginal Spirit. She freely willed the likeness to appear from within herself. Her thought was not idle and her product came forth imperfect, for it was not patterned in her form for she had made it without her partner, and it was not patterned in the likeness of the Mother. But she did not find her concord. As she was about to acqu

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  • Perfection part 4

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