But when I tried to stop her, this monkey ran out and tried to stop him. Except this bitch took advantage of that and threw a bomb in his face.

And I had to save that cretin...again.

And right now, I blocked the explosion with my sword while protecting this moron.

Turning in his direction, I was able to make sure that he was in order. And beside him, was Blake, who was examining him.

-Blake. What's up with the macaque?

-Go to hell! -He yelled at me.

-It's clear. You don't have to answer. - I said in indifference, turning to the side where Roman was about the last time.

But to my misfortune...

Smoke began to dissipate due to two planes that began to take off. And looking closer to the nearest of them, I saw the very girl and the wounded Roman.

They did not wait, but flew straight into the sea. Leaving port.

-Damn. Blake said in a tired voice. She ran up to me, carrying Sana on her pride.

- The rat got away... listen Blake.


-What were you doing here?

-Shut up you bastard! Y
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