Chapter 9: Revenge

As Rick calmly sipped his drink, a slight smirk on his face, the room remained silent, shocked by the sudden turn of events. Damian, now lying on the floor, blood trickling from his nose and lip, groaned in pain as he tried to push himself up.

“Y-you idiot!” Damian shuttered as his voice was strained. “I didn’t do anything—this wasn’t my fault!”

Mark glared down at him, his chest pounding up and down “You’ve embarrassed my family! You’ve ruined the deal with the Tycoon Business Empire, all because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut!”

From the corner of the room, a group of security guards rushed in. Two of the guards moved toward Damian, lifting him up by the arms.

“Take him out of here,” Mark commanded, as he thought that he was in control.

The guards nodded and began dragging Damian toward the exit. Damian struggled weakly against their grip, but he was too dazed and battered to put up much of a fight. His eyes darted around the room, searching for some form of support, but everyon
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