Chapter 5

A few moments later, the door swung open, and the impossibly glamorous nurse sashayed in. He noticed how her uniform hugged her curves, and his face flushed.

"You called, Mr. Jackson?" she asked, her voice as smooth as honey.

"I, uh... yes," he stammered, suddenly forgetting every smooth line he'd ever heard. "I just wanted to thank you for taking such good care of me."

"Oh? Well, that's very sweet of you, Mr. Jackson. It's not often patients express gratitude for my... care."

Was it his imagination, or did she emphasize that last word? He felt his face grow hot.

"Well, you know what they say," he blurted out. "Laughter is the best medicine. And your smile... it's definitely working wonders."

Quantum Quill groaned in his head. "Oh, darling, that was painful. You can do better than that!"

The nurse, however, seemed charmed. Her lips curved into an amused smile. "My, my, Mr. Jackson. Are you flirting with me?"

His brain short-circuited. "I... uh... is it working?"

She laughed. "Well, aren't you bold? I must say, it's refreshing. Most patients are too doped up on painkillers to string two words together, let alone attempt a pickup line."

Emboldened by her response, He decided to push his luck. "Speaking of pickup lines, I've got to ask... did it hurt?"

"Did what hurt?"

"When you fell from heaven, of course," He delivered with a wink.

QQ snorted. "Really? That's the best you could come up with?"

But to Jackson's surprise, the nurse burst into genuine laughter. "Oh my," she said, wiping a tear from her eye. "That was terrible. But I have to admit, it's the first time I've heard that one in a hospital gown."

"I'd say it's a step up from my usual attire. At least this shows off my best assets."

"And which assets would those be, Mr. Jackson?"

"If you'd like to find out, let's grab a coffee sometime. You know, when I'm not hooked up to an IV and sporting this lovely backless number."

The nurse pursed her lips, considering. "Hmm, that's quite the proposition, Mr. Jackson. But I'm not sure it's entirely... appropriate."

His heart sank, but he tried to keep his smile in place. "Right, of course. I understand. It was worth a shot, though, right?"

She leaned in close, her perfume wafting over him. It smelled expensive, like everything else in this bizarre hospital. "Tell you what," she whispered conspiratorially. "How about you give me your phone?"

"My phone?"

"Yes, your phone," she repeated, holding her hand expectantly.

He handed over his device. The nurse took it, perfectly manicured nails tapping away at the screen.

"There," she said, handing it back with a wink. "Now you have my number. Use it wisely, Mr. Jackson."

As she sashayed out of the room, He stared at his phone in disbelief. There was a new contact: "Olivia" with a string of digits beneath.

"Well, well, well," Quantum Quill's voice chimed in his head. "I must say, I'm impressed. You actually pulled it off."

"Thanks," Jackson muttered. "I guess I'm not as hopeless as I thought."

"Oh, don't get ahead of yourself, darling. Your performance was about as smooth as sandpaper. Those pickup lines? Straight out of a 90s rom-com. But somehow, against all odds, you managed to charm her. It's like watching a three-legged dog win a race."

His smile faltered. "Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence."

"Now, now, don't pout. You got the number, didn't you? That was the task, and you completed it. Barely. But a win's a win, so here's your reward."

His phone buzzed, and he opened his banking app. His eyes widened as he saw the new transaction. "Twenty-five thousand dollars? Are you serious?"

"As serious as that hospital gown is unflattering," QQ quipped.

He did a quick mental calculation. He had more than enough to cover the hospital bill with the previous ten grand and this new deposit.

"I can't believe it," he murmured. "I might actually get out of this mess."

"Don't sound so surprised," QQ said. "With my help, you might just turn your life around. Though, let's be honest, there's nowhere to go but up at this point."

Before He could retort, the door opened, and Olivia, the impossibly glamorous nurse, walked in carrying a bundle of clothes.

"Good news, Mr. Jackson," she said, her smile as dazzling as ever. "The doctor says you're clear to go home. I've brought you some clothes to change into."

He eyed the bundle suspiciously. "What happened to my old clothes?"

"I'm afraid they didn't survive the accident. Between the blood and the bus tire tracks, they were more fit for a horror movie costume than street wear."

"Great," he sighed. "So what've you got for me?"

Olivia held up the bundle, revealing a plain white t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and some basic sneakers. Nothing fancy but a step up from his current backless fashion statement.

"Not exactly Gucci, but they'll do the job," she said with a wink. "Unless you'd prefer to strut out of here in that fabulous gown?"

He chuckled. "Tempting, but I think I'll pass. Don't want to start a new fashion trend just yet."

Olivia placed the clothes on the bed. "Well, if you change your mind about that coffee, you know how to reach me. Get dressed and head to reception when you're ready to check out."

As she turned to leave, He noticed the way her hips swayed. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. "Focus, Jackson," he muttered to himself. "You've got bigger problems than your love life right now."

"Oh, I don't know about that," Quantum Quill said. "Your love life seems pretty problematic to me."

He rolled his eyes as he started to change. "Nobody asked you."

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