The four wizards are on the back of the bat, flying between trees to the sky going through the wind of mountains. The serene man: many years and I never left my mountain it’s the first time. Romane: there is always a first time for everything. After four days on the back of the bat, finally the four wizards arrived to the two mountains of asaros. The serene man: asaros, the vampire wizard. Romane: legends said he fought once one of the five black wizards. Esteban: really ?did he killed him. The serene man: of course not. Esteban: I’m so curious to see their power. The serene man: once you see their power, you will be dead. Romane: focus guys, we are In front the castle. Esteban: so dark, what’s this voice? Romane: which voice ?Screaming from the castle, bats voice.The serene man: it’s asaros, he is killing againRomane: I think we should send some of your fireflies and the little bats of esteban to see what’s happening before going through that road. The serene ma
The four wizards entered inside the school, it was dark, lightening with glowworms. Echinocs: there is a lot of blood. Romane: seems someone was here before usEsteban: what happened to the studentRomane: that corridor ! look over there !I think I saw somethingEseteban: look it’s a monster. Echinocs: I will get him with my plant. The plank linked the monsters and the serene man with esteban used the spell of glowworms and bats to kill the monsterEsteban: that was so closeEchinocs: where did this monster come from ?Romane: let me see this monster. Echinocs: so hugeRomane: oh my godEchinocs: what ? what is it?Romane: I ‘m afraid, this monster come from a place that we don’t even want to spell itThe serene man: don’t tell me, is it ? Romane: yes it’s the island of spiritsesteban so we are getting close from the island. echinocs: no but the darkness is spreading so fast, the five black wizards are sending their servants everywhereromane: they want to control the wor
Echinocs: something here is wrong. Esteban: what is it ?Echinocs: I can see it on the map, a lot of icebergs hereRomane: what in this sea, so weirdThe serene man: no it’s not weird, I heard about it, the fight between some wizards and snow man, this is the rest of that fight. Romane: I can see that. Echinocs: the weather becomes calm, let’s see what is happening outsideEsteban: it’s cold, but what a lookEchinocs: magic is beautiful. The serene man: what about that . The glowworms went everywhere on the iceberg an used the light, the blue one that gives a very wonderful look of the white of the ice reflects the light energy of the fire flies back to space.Esteban: so gorgeous. Romane: amazing. Echinocs: I told you esteban, you will see many things that you never saw it before in your life. Esteban: indeed. Romane: look over there, it’s an island. Echinocs:the map says it’s the castle of the doctor. romane: the doctor ?echinocs: I think, it’s the legendary doctor,
the blue whale took the four wizards quickly , until they become so close to the beach the blue whale : I have to go now echinocs: thank you ,we really appreciate your help romane : it means darkness spread a lot echinocs: indeed specially if the blue whale escaped the serene man : it’s a bad sign echinocs: we should go to the island of spirits and stop the reviving spell the serene man :we arrived finally echinocs: look after the beach there is a town ,let’s be so discreet and inconspicuous the five wizards wore a dark coats , passed through the beach to enter inside the town echinocs: this town is full with people romane : look what this man is selling , hello? The seller : hello , welcome ? Romane : what is this ? The seller : this the chestnuts , so famous here in our town Romane: give me some of it The seller : I have never see your face here before Romane : yes we are new visitors The seller : your coat make me remember the last dark days we had here in the to
The serene man : even he did , they won’t let him alive Echinocs: that means we have to move now and go to the island The serene man : let’s take with us some food and water for the trip The man : I recommend for you to go to that market It’s so close from the blue mosque Esteban : I already saw it , let’s go The four wizards bought a lot of food from there and decided to continue the trip on a balloon The balloon raised in the sky , the four wizards are some kind having fears and doubts , and bad thoughts about the near future what will happen and what the next days are hiding for them In the other side the doctor went to foziane and gave him the spoonmaker and joined his old friend Fosiane : my old friend I missed you The doctor :doctors are always here for each other Fosiane :I can see that, so tell me the plans of the others The doctor : yes ……..( he told him all the story ) Fosiane : so this is it , the black wizards will attempt to have the age stone The doctor : y
The serene man : yes , I will wear this black coat and hide my face Echinocs: good luck serene man Esteban : it’s too risky Romane : we don’t have a choice , someone have to sacrifice Echinocs: we have to find a way to escape and understand what is happening here in this village Romane : what the map is saying echinocs Echinocs: it’s too strange, the map stopped of working in this village , it’s like a curse here Romane : we will discover what is it The serene man : I think the trick succeeds Echinocs: what do you see serene man The serene man : I can see a big church in the center of the village Romane : a church here !? The serene man : I’m getting close to it Echinocs: maybe the king of the zombies is there The serene man : I will enter , wait a minute Echinocs: what do you see ? The serene man : it looks like some kind of monk he is speaking with a different language to those zombies here Esteban : get out of there , before he will Remarque you The serene man
The fairy recuperated her energy and her wings appeared Echinocs: we have to go esteban Esteban : without him !don’t you want to convince him? Echinocs: he decided esteban , he knows what he is doing The serene man : thank you my friend , take this glowworm with you it will help you in darkness Echinocs: take care of yourself and be careful try to stay alive The serene man : the time you will go to the island of spirits , centinella will be dead Echinocs: I hope so my friend Esteban : come on master let’s go The serene man : will you come with me fairy The fairy : yes , but how we will go ? The serene man used the spell of the big glowworm The fairy : let’s go now The serene man : tell me the exact story of what happened The fairy : yes I will tell you everything The serene man and the fairy went to a dead trip full with danger and darkness hopping to kill one of the legendary wizards “centinella” Echinocs: in the end we are going alone Esteban : I missed romane Ech
In the castle of the old wizard and for many days hours and minutes he didn’t sleep working on spells and succeed to bring out the royal family of the house .the house of spirits where all the types of souls exist , killers fighters winners losers even dead souls . The old wizard, the wise one , so strong , and confident in himself drinking coffee and waiting . but waiting for what? and why he is so calm ?the time there is a war in the world ,a fight to come ,and he knows very well that his enemy are in the borders. Darkness is spreading day after day and the trip of esteban and echinocs, is so close to finish Echinocs: esteban ! do you want to have a rest Esteban : there is only the sea there is no earth here to stay on Echnocs: eat something , I don’t think it lefts a lot Esetban : the sky is becoming dark look Echinocs: the dark sky so this is it Esteban : what is it ? Echinocs: the dark sky of the island Esteban : island of spirits ? Echinocs: yes Moth : we are close t