last update2023-11-02 03:55:53

It comes from fear and powerlessness, to develop into a dark dominated flame in your heart even without any influences; it makes you a gloomy, pessimistic and black person who finds a problem for every solution.

the prince walking in a dark corridor , slowly paths , talking alone : dying , throe , moribund , are so next to us , almost here , so close to our rooms , well-nigh to us , sad for you brother , you still have hope in this life , I can see your emotions , I can see you .

A story of a young man who entered in his mom’s house to find her laid on the floor ,and his young brother hitting her; dark spirits flared inside him, he took a knife and killed his brother , blood everywhere , moms voice crying , feeling cold and unable to move , neither to talk , it was the moment when the prince of hate came to their house .

Asking for wise advices ; writing the story but the papers become black hate destroys everything , even love will not save you , shadows and black fire are so fateful ; but when he started weeping , his tears felt on papers and the darkness disappeared

Don’t be shy to cry when you are angry , don’t you ever fear from being human, sometimes the solution is when you let your heart to be as it’s supposed to be , and never be so rough with yourself .

In the end the prince of darkness died, and papers had been taken and disappeared again

From the flames of depression and shadows of hate, lady of love was born.

A story of a beautiful married woman ,had three kids , living in peace , she loved her husband , despite a lot of problems , they always kept attached to each other , such a gorgeous way that love was born between them , melt with each other . Love is quite complex sensation , it makes you feel sometimes on the average between life and death , your breath will stop furthermore, you will be down under love's flames , that same flames which will burn you if you tried to destroy the love between you and your partner, and this is what happened to her , she destroyed everything they made together , a lot of betrayals and lies, that made her a narcissistic person , she tried to get him and make him in love with her again but she couldn’t, she tried to burn herself for him , but he was so cold with all her reactions , she became an aggressive person to every girl he tries to be close to , until one day he met the chosen one , the one with brown beautiful eyes that fascinated him and imprisoned him in the cage of love .

Lady of Love went to the first woman and tried to heal her but when the papers was through the narcissistic woman , it didn’t heal her, love is so strong , when everyone realized that no one can treat her , she will live and die with her first love , she will see him with his wife and see his little children growing up every day, and everyday her heart will be injured again and again , until she will die , and will be buried with flames of love.

Papers for the first time changed the form in the air and became butterflies in the house, getting out to the sky. Her papers her tears will go to sky it may be forgotten but the way she loved him will never be forgotten. It does matter who we love, but also the way we love with. The extreme love hurts but it stays, to be capable to give yourself for the person you love is something unexpected from humans and it’s so rare to find , that’s why love is a gift that we have to thank God for it every day and every second .

“”butterfly, butterfly, tears will spread and love will pervade in hearts , butterfly go to the sky and die there “”

The old wizard finally got up, her recovered and had his full energy, because of the royal family of the house of spirits

Intelligence, power, mixed in one person, powerful one, it was so hard to take down centinella before in the last war of magic, all the wizards admit that centinella is so powerful woman and a big witch, all the secrets were in her mind and books , so many years and after the last war only foziane and the old wizard did escape from her.

A rainy day , black clouds when centinella wore her fighting dress , a long dress full with beautiful butterflies , she walked through the castle then out , to meet the big fairy .

“I was sure about this day will come “the big fairy said

“ I think you should give me what you had my old friend “centinella said

“if I died the fairies will destroy it “the big fairy said

“you still underestimating me but how did you find it? ”centinella said

“ that day , when you fought foziane, the age stone was in his pocket and when he felt that he is going to lose he used the water bull spell and send it in the air , for many days the age stone was in the sky , when one of my fairies found it and bring it to me “ the big fairy said

“That was a gift from the sky to you , but not anymore I will take it now where it belongs “ centinella said

The fight begins a lot of spells , centinella attacked with her dangerous spells , and the fairies were occupied by centinella’s servants, they didn’t have a chance to help the big fairy ,a war in the island , but not for too long . few moments later the big fairy is dying , in silent , the fairies around her crying , when centinella set on bottom of the castle and said : this island will be from today mine, and you the fairies are under my control and power , I will forgive you , if you give your loyalty only to me

The fairies get scared from her, they didn’t hesitate to accept , there is no other choice

It gets more complicated than the first time because now centinella didn’t found the age stone ,she searched everywhere even she tried to investigate all the fairies but it seems even the fairies didn’t know where the big fairy did hide the age stone.

A big fish get close from the island ,it opened its mouth and a man gets out from it ,foziane's servant ,he observed the island from a distance and he recognised that there is no barrier and the guards are not in their position like usual “weard!! He said, he entered the island and gets in a long tree and he drunk the potion prepared by fosiane , it makes him invisible to spy about the island ,he gets his distance but not too much , he spread the parasites of fosiane in the island , in the other side fosiane is looking through the parasites’s eyes in his mirror

Centinella was so angry, and stressed , she searched everywhere and decided to close again the island ,because the last barrier disappeared when the big fairy died , but it’s too late , the spy is inside the island and the eyes of fosiane is out there too , every move is analysed by the genius.

Through this dark days , death and life , get mixed it’s like the moon and the sun get out in the same moment , love and hate , revenge and forgiveness, share and selfcenterdness , all of them were in the epoch ,but the question is what will last and predominate and who will win in the end

Five days, and centinella is still searching every day and everywhere about the age stone.

“But where did the big fairy hide it, it must be somewhere here in this island I am sure about that “centinella said

“maybe she send it with one of her fairies to someone else “servant said

“no I am sure it’s here inside this island “centinella said

Fosiane's servant was observing the situation ,and fosiane in his castle was thinking where it could be , he made a lot of possibilities, one of it , maybe the big fairy send it to old wizard, maybe she knew that centinella will betray her , or she anticipated that she will be killed by her . The genius quickly send another servant to the castle of the old wizard to watch it and get information . Fosiane wanted to control all the situations in the end he was the owner of the age stone before the big fairy

The big fairy or like a lot of wizards called her the white fairy , she knew centinella’s move , so she decided to send the age stone with one of her fairies to the old wizards.

In the other side ,Marie went with her friend , to an isolated place , making fire ,they got some fruits from the trees around the place and talked about what happened, about every detail , Esteban's story and how he tried to kill her . When massilia said: I run that day before you when I get information about him

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