Chapter 7589
In the midst of the panic among the powerhouses of the Doom Race, Wyot spoke slowly with a somber expression. “You disobey the Clan Leader’s orders, ignore the race’s rules, and act independently.

“Internally, you base positions on family background, show favoritism, form cliques, and engage in infighting.

“Externally, you abuse power, wreak havoc among all living beings, act arrogantly, and kill at will, exhibiting extreme cruelty.”

As he spoke, Wyot descended two steps, causing the group of powerhouses to retreat in fear.

“When did the Doom Race become like this? And when did the clan leader become someone you could order around without respect?

“Is it Xezal who gave you this courage? Or do you think having her support allows you to act with impunity?”

Upon hearing this, the powerhouses were too frightened to even breathe. They were huddled together.

Wyot pointed behind him to the Chaos Temple and said, “Since you are all here today, let’s make things clear. Whoever among you
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