Chapter 7613
Beneath an azure sky, across a land shimmering with hues of purple and gold, rushing streams wove through rolling mountains and lush forests teeming with both demon and spirit beasts. In this vibrant world, countless men and women sat cross-legged, eyes closed, enveloped in a faint purple light radiating tranquility and peace.

Meanwhile, James, accompanied by Thea and Quattro, embarked on a journey through the River of Time. As they traveled, they slipped into a different reality—one marked by an eerie silence, where an almost dreamlike stillness replaced the usual clamor of conflict. The world was devoid of battles, offering a stark and serene contrast to their previous surroundings.

Thea exclaimed, “Such abundant Spiritual Providence.”

Quattro looked at James and noted, “Their cultivation bases are quite high. They seem to be above the Daeclon Mahayana.”

James nodded lightly. “The weakest are Emperors, and most are Path Emperors.”

Thea asked in surprise, “They’re so strong? If t
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