Chapter 7639
In the midst of thunderous explosions, the two Three Treasures Formations spun rapidly, shattering the universes around them.

The aftershocks rippled outward. Countless universes reassembled, only to be utterly destroyed again. A significant part of the River of Time crumbled in the chaos.

Though the Three Treasures Formations were cracked, both James remained unscathed.

Seeing this, Wynton was furious. He extended his hand, causing countless planes to merge into a colossal physical fist, which he then hurled toward the two James.

Instead of retaliating immediately, the two James merged into one. The two Three Treasures Formations also combined, their cracks quickly mending.

Another explosion rang out.

Wynton's fist collided forcefully with James' Three Treasures Formation, denting it.

"Break it!"

Wynton roared furiously, increasing the power of his fist as if he intended to completely shatter James' Three Treasures Formation.

However, under James' control, the Three Treasures
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