The Almighty Landon. Chapter 307.



“Aurora?” Landon called out, clearly surprised.

“Landon, it’s so great to see you again!” Aurora replied with a bright smile, her excitement at seeing him evident in her voice.

Landon, meanwhile, was momentarily stunned—not only because it had been some time since he last saw her, but because Aurora looked more beautiful than ever. He had always known her to be attractive, but today, she seemed to have an even greater allure. The simple gown she wore, which revealed little skin, was somehow more tempting than any extravagant outfit. Her V-shaped curves were impossible to ignore, and Landon couldn’t help but silently admit that God had done an exceptional job in creating her. However, he made sure not to let his dazzled state show too much.

“Yeah, it has been a while,” Landon replied, flashing a smile. “I can see you’re all set for today’s outing.”

Aurora blushed slightly, her cheeks tinged with pink. “Yes, I am.”

“Well then, we’ll be seeing each other at the fun place this evening
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