The Almighty Landon. Chapter 310.


“Hey, why don’t you just let them go? You’ve had your revenge, so why take it this far?”

When Don Sebastian heard an unfamiliar male voice in the room challenging his authority, he frowned in irritation.

Everyone turned their heads to see who had dared to speak up. Among the group, they were surprised to find that there was still a man left who hadn’t fled the scene.

Even Aurora was taken aback when she realized the person who had spoken was Landon. All the other men had run away in fear under Don Sebastian’s threats. She had not expected Landon to still be here, standing firm in the face of danger.

The other women also turned to look at the speaker, their eyes briefly filled with hope. But as soon as they recognized that it was Landon who had spoken, that hope quickly faded into despair. They didn’t believe that Landon, of all people, could do anything to save them in this dire situation.

Clarissa was the most disappointed of them all. At that moment, she was desperately

Sorry for the one chapter a day lately. I have a little issue I’m dealing with at the moment. I know you guys are all asking for more chapters and I will be giving you all soon!

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