
"The mind is everything, your thoughts will become your reality" --

Geo successfully cut off the head of the shield general Aspis without even reacting to Geo's attack, even Aspis's subordinates were stunned by what happened because they didn't think that only one hit killed the shield general that even His subordinates couldn't even hit Aspis. Geo was still in a fighting stance against whoever wanted to rush after him but instead of fighting, the opposite happened, they were all happy as if celebrating the death of Aspis. They thanked Geo because they seemed to have been released from prison.

"Huh? what happened?" Geo is confused while watching them celebrate.

"I'm sorry Sir Lothar, we were just ordered, I'm really sorry" Everyone said to Lothar

After what happened, Lothar passed out, Geo immediately went to him to use medicine, because he doesn't know how to use healing magic, but there are healers among Aspis subordinates who volunteer to heal Lothar. After they finishe
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