Grandma's Birthday

 “So if your lousy husband brings a gift for grandma, show me what the gift is, Serena? You don’t need to say much, just show me, because I don’t want to waste time arguing with useless humans like you two.”

Serena ignored Miles’ words, she was about to ask Daren to leave but Miles didn’t seem satisfied enough to taunt Serena along with Daren this time. Humiliating both of them was what Miles really wanted.

“Wait, don’t you guys want to see the gift I have prepared for grandma? Shouldn’t you be very curious about the gift I have prepared for grandma?”

“I don’t care.” Daren said quite firmly.

Miles smiled sarcastically, then he walked in front of Daren with a perfect mocking expression on his face.

“A poor man like you will never understand how valuable a gift worth five hundred million dollars is.”

Daren smiled meaningfully at Miles, he never expected to meet an arrogant man like Miles at the Hoodie family residence.

However, Daren didn’t immediately reply to Miles’ words. He only paid attention to Miles who acted like a king who had a lot of wealth.

“Oh really? I didn’t realize you had that much savings, Miles. I’m sure it’s your father’s money.” Serena scoffed.

“It doesn’t matter whose money it is, look at how these expensive antique ceramics. They are ceramics from the ancient British Empire, and I am a lucky person to be able to get them.”

Miles immediately opened the lid of the glass box, then he showed off the antique ceramic to Serena and Daren.

Daren, who saw this, was silent, looking deeply at the ceramics.  Meanwhile Miles smiled with satisfaction.

“Don’t touch it, Daren. Those are expensive ceramics! Even if you sold your soul, you still can’t afford this ceramic!”

“I just looked at it, shouldn’t I do it?”

“You don’t even have the right to look.”

“But, I feel something strange about your ceramics, Miles.”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Miles snapped. He pushed Daren’s body backwards, but Daren rushed to resist the push.

“Uncle and Aunt, look at your son-in-law’s behavior. I bought this antique ceramic for one hundred million dollars, but he said that my antique ceramic is very strange. I don’t know at all, does the poor guy really have such primitive thinking? Look, even grandma wouldn’t be willing to see how cheap your gift is.”

Everyone there looked at each other. Of course they looked at Daren with disgust and contempt. Serena, who didn’t accept that her husband was being belittled by Miles, immediately grabbed Daren’s hand to approach her grandmother.

“Wait…” said Daren who still wanted to be there. “I want to say something to Miles.”

“What else do you want to say, Daren? Aren’t you satisfied with being humiliated by Miles in front of everyone?”

“I don’t feel humiliated. I have a reason of why I looked at that strange ceramic object.”


“Miles, don’t ever lie. The antique ceramic you brought for grandma isn’t a real antique ceramic, it’s just a piece of junk worth around fifty dollars sold on the market over there, then you deliberately painted it and carved it to make it look like the antique ceramic. How much do you charge for this cheap thing? Even the paint has a foul smell that will damage the lungs of anyone who inhales it. Do you want to kill grandma slowly?”

“You ….”

Miles was very surprised, he had no idea that Daren would know all this. How could Daren even research so carefully?

“Don’t be crazy, Daren. What slander have you done to me? I spent a lot of money on these antique ceramics!”

Miles started to feel worried, he was afraid that his father would find out about this. How could it not be, he asked his father for that much money on purpose, apart from buying antique ceramics which weren’t worth much, Miles would use the money to buy a new car, and the rest was for him to have fun with his girlfriend.

“It’s up to you if you still want to lie, I’m not at all forcing you to believe that it’s you who is being deceived by someone. It’s just that I’m telling you about this, and I hope you can understand, so that your stupidity won’t harm grandma.”

Miles became silent again, how could he possibly endanger his grandmother? Miles thought that his grandmother would receive so many gifts that it would be impossible to keep them in the room. And it certainly wouldn’t affect his grandmother. Who would have thought that Daren would think that way.

“Miles, tell me if what that ignorant man said was a lie?”

“Of course, father. What Daren said was a lie, do you trust a poor man who has never even seen an expensive antique more than your own son?” Miles was still trying to dodge it and of course all the Hoodie family believed Miles one hundred percent.

Meanwhile, Daren was still confident with all his thoughts. Because he was never wrong about what he saw.

“Daren, what are you thinking? Why did you say that in front of so many people? Do you think you’ve ever seen an expensive antique? Don’t be stupid, Daren. Just be quiet and don’t need to cause trouble especially with Miles!” Serena snapped at him.

“I can take responsibility for what I say, Serena. And I will never be wrong in saying anything. What I saw from Miles’ ceramics was the truth, so why should I be silent? Do you want grandma to be in trouble just because of that deadly fake things?” Daren was still stubborn.

Serena felt that this time Daren really meant it. Even though Serena felt that it was strange, Serena had to prove it herself.

“Okay, let’s go in and give our gifts to grandma then go home.” Serena decided.

Daren agreed with Serena’s words.While looking sharply at Miles, he smiled meaningfully and this made Miles’ blood boil.

“Grandma, happy birthday!”

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