Chapter 38

Ric, Frank, Damon and Gordon sat at their table which was finely positioned strategically with a clear view of the celebrants table.

Candace had ensured their table was very close to hers as they were the best friends she had but she had kept it a little bit far in case they came with their partners so they could have a little privacy still.

"Boss, they won't receive the invites but I asked the delivery guy to leave it at the gate all the same." Frank leaned in closer and whispered to Ric.

Ric's permanently blank expression fell slightly before he caught himself and acted indifferent as usual.

Ric nodded slightly but he was quite disappointed, he had hoped to see her again and make up for standing her up the other day.

"Oh wow! I see you guys are here as well," Jeremy exclaimed when he saw Ric and the others on their table. Jeremy had seen them walk past his table which was somewhere in the middle of the hall and decided to give himself an upgrade.

"Hi Jeremy, Hi Anna." Damon greeted
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