The Anonymous Mr. Maximilanno

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The Anonymous Mr. Maximilanno

By: Chocolà Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 75 views: 169

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"I should apologize to Ric, this Ex convict?" Melissa asked. "That too on your knees." The fate of a man changes, he bears a cross for the sake of his wife who he loves so much but his renumeration from her afterwards is a divorce as he meets her on the day of her wedding to another man. In his grief and agony, another man arises. Avrilla city is shaken to its foundation by the one man with the last name Maximilanno. The question on every mind remains "Who is Mr. Maximilanno?"

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75 chapters
Chapter 1
"Please don't let them take Father, please do something. He's all the family has got, the family business would crash in his absence if they take him away for a month." Melissa, Ric's wife cried to her husband.Melissa's desperate plea tugged at Ric's heartstrings. Ric's deep love for Melissa fueled his determination to bring peace to her distressed heart. Despite enduring mistreatment as a live-in son-in-law, his commitment to their relationship remained unwavering, he had always loved her whole heartedly. "Please Ric, it's just going to be a month and you'll be granted the opportunity for bail and Dad will get you out of there, please!" Melissa sobbed even harder as she asked the impossible from Ric."In that month, Dad's campaign would be at its peak, if they take him he'd never become Mayor with the record of an Ex convict, please." Despite Melissa's earnest pleas, Ric shook his head in dejection, torn between his love for her and the weight of accepting responsibility for her f
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Chapter 2
Three hundred million dollars?!Ric was completely shocked, his eyes wide open and his mouth agape. He knew that his Father was a very wealthy man and the Maximiliano family was a very powerful family in Westmoreland county but as a kid he never really understood the concept of wealth and didn't know his father's net worth.Now he understood.If three hundred million dollars was just pocket money, then it meant that the Maximiliano family had a net worth of over three hundred Trillion dollars.Honestly, at this moment he was slightly moved. However, when he remembered his mother and the suffering she had endured with him when they were thrown out of the mansion, he knew he couldn't forgive his Father so easily.When Benhardt saw his frustration, he quickly said "Young Master, this money is yours after all, see it as compensation for all the suffering and humiliation you've had to endure.""Lord Maximiliano has said that if you would accept, he would let you inherit the Five hundred T
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Chapter 3
When Mr. Lombardi requested for Ric, the cashier immediately motioned for Ric to come to the counter while she returned to the back of the counter. However, when Mr. Lombardi saw Ric he had doubts in his mind but he was a smart man.Mr. Lombardi masked his doubts and greeted Ric in a polite manner. "Good afternoon Sir, I am Lombardi Leones."Ric was a bit embarrassed but he managed to introduce himself "Ric Mariano" Mr. Lombardi was careful to not offend Ric because the Mariano last name was not very popular in Avrilla city and he suspected that Ric may be from a very rich and wealthy family."Mr. Mariano, please how much would you like to withdraw?" The cashier asked roughly, since the card wasn't fake, she was going to humiliate Ric and prove that the card didn't really belong to Ric. "Please call me Ric, I would like to withdraw thirty thousand dollars." Ric immediately added."But the minimum withdrawal with this card is hundred thousand dollars at once" The cashier asked, her s
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Chapter 4
The Serene Resorts integrated entertainment, dining and accommodation all in one building. Ric admired the different structures as he made his way to the reception area."Sir, excuse me Sir!" Ric was stopped by a few beautiful ladies when he entered the reception area."Do you have a reservation here Sir?" One of the ladies asked immediately as she took in Ric's appearance. These ladies were responsible for handling the reception duty and they were used to receiving a lot of Elites.Even though these beautiful ladies had contempt in their look, they were still polite in their speech towards Ric.However, Ric wore very cheap and worn out clothes unlike the Rich and influential people who regularly visited."I didn't reserve a place here myself but a friend of mine did." Ric answered as he smiled.At this time he observed the beautiful ladies and observed the high standards of the Serene Resorts. He finally understood why this hotel was one of the biggest luxuries in Avrilla city.The
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Chapter 5
Ordinarily Rose would have left out the detail of the poor man who tried to feel rich but she felt like if she told Mr. Rogers about it then he would punish the man further and commend her for handling the situation. This would also give her admiration and confidence from the guests that filled the lobby at this time.However, when Ric was brought before Johnson, he was bleeding from his nose and mouth and he was barely able to stand from all the beating. Mr. Johnson was shocked to see who the man Rose was referring to was. Ric had a striking resemblance with his father and Johnson immediately recognized him.Johnson Rogers had diligently served Lord Maximilanno during his stay in Westmoreland county that when Johnson relocated to Avrilla city, Lord Maximilanno had put him in charge of most of his property in the city. That was how Johnson became a very Rich and influential man in Avrilla city."Excuse me Sir, Are you Mr. Ric Maximilanno?" Johnson asked Ric.Although Ric looked nothi
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Chapter 6
When the door to the Chairman suite was pushed open, about five or six beautiful ladies walked in.It was Rose and the other receptionists.At this time they were looking at Ric with a very different expression on their faces other than the contemptuous looks they had on earlier.Rose was also smiling very charmingly as she said "Mr. Maximilanno, I am very sorry for the misunderstanding earlier.""Sorry, Mr. Maximilanno!"The other beautiful ladies immediately added."What do you want? Why are you here?" Ric dried his short black hair with one of the white towels.Honestly, even though Rose and the other ladies had looked down on him earlier at the reception, he held no grudge against them save for Rose who had categorically instructed the guards to beat him up.He just didn't like that they could easily judge and mistreat someone because of their physical appearance.It was obvious that Johnson had already cautioned these beautiful ladies sternly."We are here to accompany you and wo
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Chapter 7
Ric was amazed, he did not think that Melissa hated him that much, nonetheless, he did not waste any time sulking as it was clear that she did not have any use for him anymore.Ric simply highlighted out of the car and sorted through his clothes and documents for relevant files he needed.“Excuse me. I have others to pick up and drop and you are wasting my time." The impatient driver queried Ric when he was left waiting and watching Ric bask in his demise.The driver immediately thought that Ric was a kick out that would not have the money to pay for the fare and yet Ric accrued more bills by keeping the driver waiting.“It is fine. I will just hire you for the entire day then. How much would that cost?" Ric had no interest in searching for a ride to take his belongings back to the resort so he decided to hire the driver for the whole day to carry him along.“Do you think you can afford to pay to hire me for the entire day?" The driver sized Ric and judged him by his appearance.All t
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Chapter 8
Surely Ric was going to teach the guard a lesson for daring to touch him in the first place. If none of the guards had made the first attempt at a hit then Ric would have also remained calm.The fuss outside did not in any way disturb the peace of those within or draw the attention of passerbys since the Lazeeza Resort was located at the East Hill of Vittorio street with a very secluded environment to ensure comfort and luxury.Ric easily put each of the guards in place and after he had dealt with the two that launched at him, the other two let him in out of fear for their lives."He looks so weak yet he is so strong," one of the guards remarked as Ric journeyed to the reception area through the long isle with the driver trailing behind him."Come brother, I will take you to the pharmacy nearby and inform the security inside to stop him." The security who were left unharmed immediately phoned those at the reception to inform them of Ric and purposely left out the detail of how strong
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Chapter 9
When Mr. Lombardi hit Lucio across the cheek, a lot of guests were shocked. This caught the attention of everyone sitting out on the porch because almost everyone there respected and feared him."Is it possible that this man is really a friend of Mr. Lombardi?""He must really be wealthy and influential then,""And very humble to dress so casually despite being associated with such influential people.""That lady is in trouble for spilling a drink on him," There were several side comments from different guests and some of this comments reached Mr. Lombardi's ears."Why is his soiled with a drink? Did something happen?" Mr. Lombardi asked his staff but she stared at him with wide eyes while even Lucio who had been very eloquent before remained quiet."I accidentally ---" Ric was going to cover up for her but the driver interrupted him."Mr. Ric here asked to see you but your staff here spilled a drink on him and asked him out very rudely." The driver immediately reported the story in
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Chapter 10
Ric did not intend to stay back and have a meal, however, when Mr Lombardi insisted he thought to himself that it would be disrespectful to turn him down twice in the very same day."I will appreciate that but I do not want to keep this gentleman waiting for so long. I already told him I only wanted to return your bag." Ric said.Ric was the kind of person that always put the feelings of others into consideration while making his decisions hence his response."Mr Ric surely you can just have a drink with your friend if you are not in so much of a hurry. You have already hired me for the day so why would I complain?" The driver immediately replied.The driver was not being nice to Ric, rather he wanted an opportunity to have a meal at such a high ranked resort in the city."He doesn't mind brother, after all he can also join us." Mr Lombardi further added and the driver immediately nodded in consent.The staff and guests did not have the opportunity to hear the conversation between Mr
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