Chapter 7

Ric was amazed, he did not think that Melissa hated him that much, nonetheless, he did not waste any time sulking as it was clear that she did not have any use for him anymore.

Ric simply highlighted out of the car and sorted through his clothes and documents for relevant files he needed.

“Excuse me. I have others to pick up and drop and you are wasting my time." The impatient driver queried Ric when he was left waiting and watching Ric bask in his demise.

The driver immediately thought that Ric was a kick out that would not have the money to pay for the fare and yet Ric accrued more bills by keeping the driver waiting.

“It is fine. I will just hire you for the entire day then. How much would that cost?" Ric had no interest in searching for a ride to take his belongings back to the resort so he decided to hire the driver for the whole day to carry him along.

“Do you think you can afford to pay to hire me for the entire day?" The driver sized Ric and judged him by his appearance.

All the same he decided to put a price tag to Ric’s preposition to see watch Ric decline miserably. “Two hundred dollars.”

Although the car was not a luxury one, it was just an ordinary sedan with the taxi logo yet the driver intentionally hiked the price to humiliate Ric and boast that Ric could not afford to hire him for a day.

However, Ric’s response shocked the driver.

"I will give you a hundred dollars extra if you help me move these into your trunk.” Ric casually proposed.

The driver was immediately excited but caught himself on time. He thought to himself that what if this man was only making empty promises to feel like what he was not?

Afterall if Ric had as much money to throw around then he would not be so desolate and his things would not be thrown out of the mansion.

Anyone who had money was always treated with value.

"You will have to give me half the balance first.” The driver immediately demanded still challenging Ric and his financial prowess.

Ric did not have a problem with what the driver said so he simply put his hand into his pocket and paid the driver the full amount. Afterall he had given those ladies at the Serene Resorts the same amount without them rendering much of a service to him and this driver was willing to accompany him for the rest of the day even if it was almost evening and the day was almost over. 

The driver did not dare look down on Ric anymore rather he began to accord him some level of respect instantly. "Thank You Sir.”

The driver immediately put Ric’s belongings in the trunk of his car, he even helped Ric pack some of the things properly in cartons and bags.

It was not the three hundred dollars the driver was given that humbled him but the bundle from which Ric had counted out the amount. The driver realized that Ric had enough money to higher a luxury car yet he chose to ride in his lowly taxi therefore he did not want to offend this rich but meek man.

The driver also thought to himself that if he was good to Ric then maybe Ric would be generous enough to share his contact with him and that would mean he would have the contact of a rich man.

“Where would you like to go Sir?" The driver was cautious when speaking to Ric because he wanted to curry favor with him. 

“Lazeeza Resort." Ric replied.

“The same Lazeeza Resort on Vittorio street?" The driver knew the Lazeeza Resort but still wanted to confirm from Ric. Although he did not doubt that Ric would be able to afford a meal there but he doubted that Ric would be able to gain access into the building dressed like that.

“Yes please, it is owned by a friend of mine." When Ric said this he had not said it with an intention to boast but rather he did not know another way to refer to Mr. Lombardi.

Yet as casually as Ric had said it, the driver took the opportunity to admire Ric’s calm demeanor even more. Did someone as influential and powerful as Ric really decide to ride in his ordinary taxi cab for the rest of the day?

The driver was astounded. He regretted the way he looked at Ric earlier and felt sorry for those within the mansion who had ignorantly kicked out his things.

“Yes Sir, should we drive by a boutique first Sir?" The driver asked, seeing that Ric’s clothing was worn out and faded.

“Why is that?" Ric inquired calmly, he did not see anything wrong with the outfit he wore. To Ric material things never mattered much to him that's why he never thought to contact his father when he was in trouble and needed help. Ric believed in accepting people for who they were not what they had.

That was another reason he decided to keep his new status as a rich man a secret from the public. 

“Nothing Sir, just that the people that go in there are always dressed in a certain fashion and I would not want you to meet any embarrassing scenes." The driver was not truly concerned about Ric but  he wanted to create a lasting impression that would result in a long lasting relationship with this rich man. 

However Ric was unfazed. “I can handle it."

Ric touched lightly on his pocket where the necklace was securely kept by him. He had got the necklace from the old man in prison who had taught him martial arts.

The old man had told him it was an ancient heirloom and he had advised Ric to wear it over his neck and it would boost his confidence and abilities but Ric had always kept it in his pocket instead.

He was going to put it on today if he faced any challenges at the gates of Lazeeza Resort he decided.

When the driver pulled over he informed Ric that taxi cabs were not allowed inside.

“Please wait for me outside then, this is my cell phone number. Give me yours so I can locate you immediately. When I return, you can take me back to Serene Resorts. I only want to return this bag to my friend so I should not take long." Ric was so humble he explained himself to the driver.

The driver immediately copied Ric’s number into his phone and gave it a ring.

The driver was shocked to see the kind of phone that Ric used and immediately decided that Ric was indeed a humble man.

The driver was not bothered if Ric spent the whole day there since he had paid him his wages and he was not burning his gas driving around town. When Ric had said he wanted to hire him for the day, the driver had thought they were going to go to a lot of places. 

When Ric got to the gate, he naturally caught the attention of the security guards.

“Hey you leave this premises immediately."

“Are you deaf. We have no room for beggars within our walls." The security men taunted Ric without hearing what he had to say.

Ric was a very patient man so he did not act out of character immediately.

“I want to see Mr. Lombardi" Ric approached them politely and made his request but they all burst into mocking laughter.

There were about four of them stationed at the gate.

Ric clenched his fist tight and calmed his nerves. Though Ric was a patient man, he had a very short temper and low tolerance for people like this.

“If you do not leave here now, we will be forced to beat you up and throw you out of here."

When the driver observed the fuss he decided to be Ric’s savior. The driver was better dressed so he walked up to the gate and decided to speak up for Ric.

“This man is a very rich man and the owner of this place is his friend, if you keep him out longer then you will soon regret your actions.” The driver had said this because he wanted to see how Ric handled the situation, not because he really believed the words that Ric said to him in his car.

“If you don't take him out of here then we will beat you up with him as well." One of the guards was so pompous he sneered at Ric.

Ric simply took out his necklace and flung it over his head to fit round his neck when one of the guards pushed him.

“I said leave this place now."

Ric staggered back a bit but felt an uncanny surge of strength and confidence rush through his veins when the necklace landed on his skin. Ric immediately grabbed the guard that had pushed him and landed a punch in his gut. 

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