
Danny stepped out of his sister's car, the crisp Manchester morning air filling his lungs. He slung his backpack over his shoulder, trying to ignore the twinge of embarrassment at being dropped off like a kid on the first day of school. His tall, athletic frame, honed by years on the basketball court, felt awkward and gangly as he unfolded himself from the passenger seat.

"You sure you don't want me to walk you in?" Jenna asked, leaning out the driver's side window. "I don't mind. It'd be nice to see the old place again."

Danny shook his head, a stray curl from his cropped waves falling into his eyes. He brushed it away with a grin. "Nah, I'm good. Don't want to cramp your style, what with you being a big shot university dropout and all."

Jenna laughed, reaching out to punch his arm. "Oi, watch it. I can still put you in a headlock, you little muppet."

Despite his nerves, Danny grinned. This was their way, the easy back-and-forth that had always been the glue of their relationship.

"I'd like to see you try," he retorted. "Pretty sure I can outrun you these days."

Jenna's smile softened. She held out her hand, their secret handshake at the ready. Danny rolled his eyes but obliged, hooking his fingers with hers in the familiar pattern.

"Be careful, yeah?" Jenna said, her tone turning serious. "And call me if you need anything. I mean it."

Danny nodded, a warmth spreading in his chest. "I will. Thanks, Jen."

With a final wave, Jenna pulled away, her car merging into the morning traffic. Danny watched until she was out of sight, then turned to face the looming campus buildings.

"Right then," he muttered to himself. "Let's do this."


The dormitory was a hive of activity, students hauling boxes and settling into their new homes. Danny checked his room assignment again, then made his way up the stairs to the third floor.

Room 317. This was it. His home for the next year. He took a deep breath, then pushed open the door.

The first thing that hit him was the smell. A thick, cloying haze of smoke that made his eyes water and his throat itch. He coughed, waving a hand in front of his face.

"Oh, sorry about that, mate," a voice called out. "Didn't realize how much it had built up in here."

A tall, lanky guy with a mop of curly hair stumbled over to the window, cracking it open. He turned back to Danny with a sheepish grin.

"I'm Tariq," he said, extending a hand. "Looks like we're roommates."

Danny shook his hand, taking in Tariq's easy smile and relaxed demeanor. "Danny. Nice to meet you."

Tariq flopped back onto his bed, gesturing for Danny to take a seat. "So, where you from?"

"Croydon," Danny replied, setting his bag down. "You?"

"Born and raised right here in Manchester," Tariq said with a hint of pride. "It's a mad city, but it grows on you."

Danny nodded, remembering Jenna's warning. "So I've heard."

Tariq must have caught something in his tone, because he sat up a bit, his eyes curious. "You know much about Manchester?"

Danny shrugged. "Not really. Just what my sister's told me. She used to go here."

"Oh yeah?" Tariq grinned. "She give you the whole 'be careful' speech?"

Danny laughed, surprised. "How'd you know?"

"Mate, everyone gets that speech," Tariq said, rolling his eyes. "It's like a rite of passage. But don't stress it. Just keep your head down, focus on your studies, and you'll be alright."

Danny felt a knot of tension release in his chest. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.

"Thanks, man," he said. "I appreciate it."

Tariq waved a hand. "Anytime. What are roommates for?"

He stood up, stretching his lean frame. Danny couldn't help but notice the tattoo peeking out from under his sleeve

"Right, I'm starving. Want to grab a bite? I know a great little spot just off campus."

Danny hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

As he followed Tariq out of the room, Danny couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement. This was it. The start of a new chapter. And so far, it didn't seem half bad.


As they stepped out of the dormitory, the crispt autumn air was a welcome respite from the smoky haze of their room. He fell into step beside Tariq, taking in the bustling energy of the campus around them.

"So, where're we headed?" Danny asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.

"This little spot just off campus," Tariq replied, his long strides eating up the pavement. "Best kebabs in Manchester, I'm telling you."

As they walked, Danny couldn't help but notice the glances thrown his way. He was used to it, to a degree. At 6 feet tall with the broad shoulders and lean musculature of a natural athlete, he tended to stand out in a crowd.

But it wasn't just his physique that drew the eye. There was something about the way he moved, a fluid grace that belied his height, an effortless cool that seemed to radiate from his very pores. With his warm brown eyes, easy smile, and trendy crop of black waves, Danny was the kind of handsome that made people do a double-take.

Not that he paid it much mind. Danny had never been one to get caught up in his own hype. He preferred to let his actions speak for themselves, whether on the basketball court or in the classroom.

"So, what's your major?" Tariq asked, jerking Danny out of his thoughts.

"Visual arts," Danny replied, a hint of pride in his voice. "You?"

Tariq grinned. "Sociology. Trying to understand the madness of this world, you know?"

Danny nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. He liked Tariq's easy manner, the way he seemed to take everything in stride.

They chatted as they walked, Tariq pointing out various landmarks and sharing bits of campus lore. The student union building where the best parties happened, the library with the comfiest couches for napping, the quad where you could always find a pickup game of football.

By the time they reached the kebab shop, Danny felt like he'd known Tariq for years rather than hours. They placed their orders and found a spot at one of the outdoor tables, the aroma of spiced meat and garlic sauce making Danny's mouth water.

"I'm telling you, mate," Tariq said around a mouthful of kebab. "This is the real Manchester experience right here."

Danny took a bite, the flavors exploding on his tongue. Tariq wasn't lying - it was damn good.

They were just digging in when a group of guys approached their table. They were dressed similarly, all tracksuit bottoms and hoodies, with a certain swagger to their step that set off a tiny alarm bell in Danny's head.

"Tariq, my man!" the leader of the group exclaimed, dapping Tariq up. "Who's your boy?"

Danny didn't miss the flicker of unease that crossed Tariq's face before he plastered on a smile. "This is Danny. Danny, this is JB, Driz, and Tino."

"Nice to meet you, Danny boy," JB said, his grin a touch too wide. "You new around here?"

Danny nodded, meeting JB's gaze levelly. "Just started today."

JB's eyes gleamed. "Fresh meat, eh? Well, you picked a good tour guide. Tariq here knows where it's at."

He turned back to Tariq, his expression sharpening. "You see the notification, yeah? Big ting tonight. I hope you're bringing your new bredrin."

With that, JB and his crew sauntered off, leaving a charged silence in their wake. Danny turned to Tariq, one eyebrow raised.

"What was that about?"

Tariq sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "There's this party tonight. Big underground scene, lots of people from different ends." He shrugged. "JB and his boys, they're always on me to come through."

Danny considered this. A party could be fun, a chance to meet new people and let off some steam. And despite the odd vibe from JB, they seemed harmless enough.

"Sounds like a good time," he said, leaning back in his chair. "I'm down if you are."

Tariq blinked, surprised. "Yeah? No offense, mate, but you didn't strike me as the partying type."

Danny grinned, a glint of mischief in his eye. "Guess you don't know me that well yet."

Tariq laughed, shaking his head. "Fair enough. Alright then, party it is."

They finished their kebabs in companionable silence, the anticipation of the night ahead buzzing between them. As they made their way back to the dorm, Danny couldn't shake a weird feeling off is mind, something just felt off.


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