"Over there!" A female voice shouted as a group of 5 was running towards a big gate as something was chasing them, it looked like angels but they were carrying spears and were shooting lightning type of bullets right at them.
"We just need to start that elevator and we're long gone!" A male voice then shouted as the group of 5 went on, but one went towards the lever to pull it down. Slowly the elevator started ascending, it was slow.
"We won't get on the top in time!" Another female voice said in a panicked tone as the group then prepared for their last stand.
Then a male shouted as they grabbed his sword, it was glowing a orange type of flame that slowly started to become azure "You guys stay there, I'll hold them off"
The angels slowly started approaching the group. They started to throw the same balls of light, the man however parried it towards the angels, hitting the one who threw it to the group.Then he grabbed a revolver from his side pocket and prepared for a fight of his life "I won't let you have them you damn Angels!" An angel approached the male as the male then shot at it with his revolver.
Just a few seconds later, a white flash engulfed the male as he was now somewhere else, not near the elevator, instead he was at a place where there's dozens of rocks floating around the island he was in. He wandered around as he saw a fountain with what seems to be water but it was too bright.
He approached the fountain as there was some words carved into a stone tablet 'Thou shall pass down everything he ever wants, thy memories shall not be passed' Suddenly a piece of paper appeared on his hand. The male wrote his name. He then passed down the piece of paper down the fountain along with a katana of some sorts as it slowly was engulfed by it.
One final time, a white flash engulfed his sight as everything turned black.
Suddenly a boy woke up. He was wearing ragged clothes as he barely remembered how he came here. He looked around as he saw that he was in an inn laying on the bed. He slowly got up and walked outside a room, he then looked around only to see a man leaning on a wall at the left side of the door as he backs away.
"Oh hey you finally woke up" The man said in a deep voice as he had a grin "Quite a heavy sleeper aren't you boy?"
"Where am I?" The boy asked as he looked around.
The man sighed "Figured you would say that, you're in the Kingdom of Etris home of the finest people in the continent"
The boy was confused as he then walked outside the inn as he looked outside.
Birds were chirping cheerfully, the wind blowing on to the leaves as passersby were having a fun time walking around this Kingdom he was now in.
"Woah.." The man then grabbed the kid's shoulder "Come on, let's get you some clothes. You're looking like a Hobo" The man then started walking towards a smithery as the kid sooned followed.
"Oh yeah I forgot, do you remember your name?" The man asked as the boy then spoke;
"I'm..Umi Mizu"
The man was shocked just for a moment as he then coughed "Is there anything wrong?" The man shook his head "Nah nothing just wanted to cough cause my throat itched, come on lets continue"
They then arrived at the front door of the smithery as the man then smiled once more "Forgot to mention as well, you can call me Trenti"
He then opened the door as Trenti went in "Come on kid let's get you the clothes you need" Mizu then went inside as well.
"What's up Caragen my old pal!"
Trenti then approached the blacksmith who was doing something. The blacksmith stopped what he was doing as he looked at the person who greeted him.
"Oh Trent! How are you doing?" Both men hugged each other as they patted their backs "Yeah I wanted to buy some armor and probably some clothes and where could I buy it? Of course from the best of the best!"
The old guy named Caragen laughed wholeheartedly as he then started to look at his storage.
"Why are you getting some armor now? What, you wanna go back to the upper parts of Erisia?" Caragen then came back as he then brought out what looks like a Steel Pauldrons, a pair of Steel Boots and what seems to be a clothing of some kind as it had an arm in the middle as a design and what appears to be flame on it
"Actually I'm gearing up this little guy over here" Trenti then pointed at Mizu as the old guy nodded "So you're the kid who was saved by Trenti huh? What's ya name?"
The boy then spoke again "I'm Umi Mizu" The old man then was shocked as well as he eyed Trenti, the man in question nodded his head once as Caragen then grinned.
The old male approached him as he grabbed one of Mizu's shoulders "I'll be your blacksmith from now on ey? Give me a schematic and I'll make it for you"
The old man then smiled as he gave the clothes and armor to the young lad "Try them on, the fitting room is over there" Caragen then pointed at it as Mizu walked to it. Just a few minutes later Mizu walked out of the fitting room with his new armor and clothes
"Looking sharp there!"
Mizu then looked at his clothes as Trenti then approached him as he then gave Mizu a sword. Mizu looked at it, it didn't look like a sword more of a Katana of some kind as it had wave lengths as a design to signify it was kind of shattered some sort.
Trenti then went outside the smithery as he waved goodbye to the blacksmith.
Mizu then followed his lead "Come on" The big burly man said.
They then went outside the blacksmith and went to a bridge and looked at the sky and the town.
"I already know you want to be an adventurer, if you want to, I can teach you the basics"
Mizu smiled as he nodded repeatedly as Trenti laughed and pats his back "Hyperactive huh? Let's go kid!" The 2 slowly walked away.
Related Chapters
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero Chapter 2, Late Heroes
As Mizu and Trenti were walking, they walked by a Statue of someone. Mizu stopped as he then looked at the statue as there were... Definite features of the statue"Hey uh... Trenti who's this statue about?" Trenti then stopped walking as he walks back a couple of steps "Oh, it's the Queen of Etris"Mizu then looked at the writings engraved onto the stone "Took hold of the place after the Lord eventually died for unknown reasons. The people don't mind at all nowadays, the queen is actually making peace treaties with the other factions unlike the Lord"Mizu then looked around as he noticed something unusual "Wait what? Why did everyone move to the sides""The queen has arrived!" A person shouted as everyone scurried to the sides as well."Come on Kid, let's not get in the way ya know" Trenti said in a hint of panic in his voice as Mizu just followed Trenti.Soon a carriage of some sort was passing through but instead of horses, it was knights with a black palette armor "Make way for the
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero Chapter 3, Amarico & The Isle of Vigils:
As the carriage was being carried, a guard was walking at the same pace as they suddenly spoke; "So, Mizu was it? Think I heard that name before" The male guard said as they kept walking "You did?" The guard nodded "Think I remember my grandfather told me it, he was the person that strived to unite every faction if it costs his life" He then sighed, which concerned the male. "It's quite sad that he didn't make it out on the first-ever expedition in The Depths" Mizu then hummed. "I wish I can be like him, just being fearless to everything and trying to save everyone in every way he can" The guard grinned "I believe in you kid, you already look and sound just like him" Suddenly the carriage finally stopped as the guard opened the door for it. Mizu hopped off as he then looked around. "Anyway, you go down the slope and just keep going straight and you'll see the docks" He then closed the door "I'll see you around kid" Mizu then looked at him "What's your name?" The guard then fix
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero Chapter 4, The Basics
As Mizu and Amarico started walking in the temple, Mizu can hear the clanging of swords and blasting of guns "Wait what was that blast?" Amarico turned around to look at him as she then thought about it "If I remember correctly, the queen started giving out weapons called.. what was it? Guns, there we go" Amarico then shrugged "Etris, along with Isle's of Vigils has been gaining some treaties with the Summer Company lately so I guess it's because of that" Mizu finally understood "But hey, the ones who are actually using the guns are using mantra bullets, basically a weaker version of a real bullet" Mizu nodded "That's good to hear, thought someone might die due to that" The 2 continued walking to their destination, a big training room. There were all types of weapons there from Greathammers to Swords and to Daggers, the room was filled to the brim with weapons "Alright kid pick whatever you want I'll wait for you there" Amarico then went to the arena as Mizu slowly looked at the
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero Chapter 5, The Lower Parts
"Tell me again on why I have to use this instead?" Mizu was looking at the sword he was holding instead of his regular katana that he used "You aren't still prepared to what Trenti gave you" Amarico then fixed her bandana as she then swings a full punch combo as Mizu looked at her "So were going back to Etris right?" Amarico then nodded as she waited for her bell to chime and form the circle to teleport to the palace of Etris "It's gonna be your first ever mission? Aren't you excited for it?" Mizu just shrugged "I don't know anything except the basic combat that you taught me so" Amarico then laughed as the bell then chimed "Oh there it is, come on! Get in before I leave you here alone" Mizu then stepped inside the circle as the two then waited to be teleported. Almost immediately they were engulfed in a blinding light in a matter of seconds as they were now in-front of the gate of the palace "Halt!" A loud male voice shouted as spears were pointed at them "Who are you?" Ama
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero Chapter 6, The Bandits:
"So this is Erisia?" Mizu looked around as there was a massive gate in-front of them. The trio looked around as there were countless ships awaiting near the small beach that they were on "There's so many boats..." Amarico then looked around "Strange... people mostly gather here to find some squads to venture into the upper parts... but.." She was quite confused "This is really strange" The queen, Ada, tried to sense something with her enhanced hearing but nothing was emitted from the silence "Nothing... We'll worry about that later, for now we need to get to the Duchess's Manor, we can't waste time" Ada then started to walk inside as the 2 followed suit, there they saw what seems to be like Megaloudaunt carcasses and bodies around the area "Jesus fucking christ!" Amarico stumbled back "What the fuck happened here?!" Amarico then looked around as she saw a male moving near a rock that has 2 slopes "Hey are you alright!?" Amarico and the crew rushed towards the slowly dying ma
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero Chapter 7, Snake Bite:
As the crew was slowly approaching the Viper's Jaw, they hard shouting and crying as soon as they got closer and closer "You hear that?" Amarico said as she slowly crouched herself and used her Felinor ears to hear more clearly. "Yeahhh! Let's fuckin feed her to the Sharkos!" A voice said as a older voice spoke up "Hah! The sharko's would probably just stomp on her because she's a blind fuck" then suddenly the female voice that was crying suddenly spoke up "Please! I beg of you! Stop doing this!" She cried out loud "Shut up bitch!" The guy slapped the girls face as she kept on crying "I just want to see my brother again" The girl cried as she was covering her head As soon as Mizu heard that a flame of determination bursts out of his eyes as he gripped his sword tightly "So what's the plan" Mizu asked as he gripped the sword's handle with both of his hands as he looked at Ada and Amarico "Well, first off we can just go in guns blazing... They don't have that good weapons. F
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero Chapter 8, Kate The Blindseer:
Amarico picked up the dead bandit's body as she threw it down the huge cliff they were on as it fell down to the bottom, a splat was heard after."P-Please don't hurt me" The young girl that had a blindfold on said while protecting her head. She was cowering in fear.Ada then comforted the girl "Do not fret, we are here to help... What is your name?"Ada said lightly as the girl started to have tears leak from her blindfold as she started bawling her eyes out "Shh... It's alright, you're safe now"Ada kept on patting the girl to make her calm down.After a few more minutes, the girl stopped crying as she was wiping herself down with a handkerchief Ada gave her.She then bowed "My name is Kate... I-I'm a future blindseer" Amarico was then surprised"You have been in the depths before?" Amarico asked as Ada looked at her feline companion who asked the question"What do you mean by that Amarico?"Amarico then thinks of it "I've read some books and some of them state the Blindseers must e
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero Chapter 9, Promise:
After a minute or two, Kate stopped crying. Mizu approached her as she then sensed him, she looked at him with her blindfolded eyes but you can see it was damp because of her cries. Mizu then grabbed his pouch as he gave 3 flowers to her. He got it from the loot bag a while ago "Please, place it on his hands.." Kate nodded as she then grabs it slowly. She then grabbed her brother's hands as she opens his hand and placed the flowers there. She then closed it slowly and then moved his hands near his chest. Kate then stood up as she then looked at her brother's dead body, she hoped he moved on peacefully... Mizu looked around as he saw a sword that was near the body. He grabbed it as he then stabs it near the ground the body was to symbolize that he died with honor and pride "I'm sure he did pass on in a haven we would like to see and share..." Mizu said lightly as he pats her head. Suddenly Kate hugged him as she then tightened her grip. Mizu pats her head as she just kept hugging
Latest Chapter
Chapter 30: Change Your Fate
Mizu groggily opened up his eyes, he tried to move around but he couldn't. Mizu then looked at his side as he saw that he was chained up. He also saw his companions still knocked out and is in the same situation as he was in.The dimly lit room slowly covered Mizu's sight, he tried to use at least one of his spells to light up the room but he couldn't, it felt like his mana and reservoir was empty.Suddenly the lights of the room lit up as Mizu squinted his eyes to adjust to the brightness. Mizu heard a door open, which in turn he looked at where it came from. It was at his left side, he turned his head to that side in which a male that was the same height as Amarico [5'7] came in, wearing a lab coat and glasses, they were pushing a cart with equipment, surgical equipment to be precise."Ah. It seems like you are awake" The male looked at Mizu as they had a blank face and souless eyes. If Mizu could just read someone's thoughts with just their face, he would've saved so many of those
Chapter 29: Raven Ivanel, The Duchess
"What possess you to enter my kingdom in this uninvited matter, my dear madaam" Raven asked as she drank her cup of tea.The group and her were now in a room, it was royalty like... Much like she was enjoying the time of her life because of this."Raven... I came to discuss to you to stop this nonsense on what you are doing right now, don't you see how many lives you've already taken?""Oh my, what do you mean by lives I've already taken? I don't see anyone resisting whatsoever"Just then, a celtor went inside a room with a tray of snacks along with cups and a teapot."They all wanted this, look, they also enjoy it as well" Raven then clapped her hands as the celtor then went towards them and placed the tray down. They were wearing a blindfold and their movement looked more controlled rather than free will."The hell do you mean enjoying?! THEY'RE SUFFERING BECAUSE OF YOU"Faye then immediately stood up and was about to punch Raven but then Amarico stopped her."Easy, Faye! We can't
Chapter 28: Floors
"Holy! There's so many of this Gargoyles! I swear I can count them with my eyes closed!" Faye then bashed one's body with her greathammer. She then grabbed the dead Gargoyle's body and threw it to the other Gargoyles."Where did she even get this much?! And I thought it was Celtors?!" Amarico then punched one's beak as it flail around, hitting it's comrades and the pillars around them."Either in the Aratel Sea or possibly made Artificially!" Ada then threw a shadow dagger on the monster's eyes as it screamed in pain. She then used Faye's body as a boost for her jump as she then striked it down."But enough talking for now we literally need to get to that elevator over there so we can at least progress down this dungeon!" Faye then one handed her hammer, she then used her other hand to use her shield"Follow my lead! Don't stop!" Faye then shouted, she then starts to rush through the Gargoyles, some going away to not get hit by her."You heard her, go!" Ada then followed behind, then
Chapter 27: 1st Floor
Mizu slowly started walking across the bridge, taking his time as he didn't want to fall off the bridge and drop into the acid lake that was beneath it."This slingshot was actually useful, thanks for that Amarico!" Faye then puts the slingshot back inside her backpack, looking at the gate that they will soon enter."You guys ready for this?" Amarico then helped Mizu get over to them as they then turned to the gate."I should give a brief rundown to her Manor... There's 3 levels overall and the last one is where she resides" Faye then drew on the ground, luckily there was a small patch of dirt "The first floor had a ton of... Celtors, I assume?" Faye then started to draw each floor correspondingly. Each of them having a drawing or two."I can't even call them real Celtors... Or people... They followed the Duchess around like they were robots and always said 'We shall return Celtor back to it's former glory' gives robotic vibes don't you think?" Faye then went to the second floor"Nex
Chapter 26: Mudskippers
Mizu then held his sword tightly as he looked at the creatures that was rising from the ground. Their head was covered by what seems to be corals and their face looked hideous. They were wearing armor like clothing but it was already torn off, hinting that they were adventurers once."Mizu! Becareful, they can use spells even though their mudskippers now!" Ada then started to cast a spell. A shadow tendril was formed beside her as it started to move to Mizu's location."Hang on Mizu! Let my tendril grab you and carry you here!" But then the tendril got burnt down by a fireball. The group looked at the direction where the fireball came from, they saw a Mudskipper that was wearing an armor that was mostly for mages."Mizu!" Amarico finally arrived at the other side of the bridge, she wanted to go back but she'll risk of breaking the bridge too."Ada do you have any more spells?!" Faye then started to go over the bridge but Amarico stopped her from going further"I'm trying to but I can
Chapter 25: Onwards
"Now that you got the hang of it, why not test it on the real deal itself" Faye then pointed at another Golem, it was turned around so it wouldn't see the group."How did that thing get here almost immediately!?" Amarico was already terrified. Her arm hasn't healed yet."Ah quit whining already, let me and this guy over here take care of it" Faye started walking towards it"Let's go!" Faye immediately equipped her greathammer, with Mizu equipping his new sword that Faye gave him."Alright then!" Faye and Mizu immediately went in front of it.Faye then started to distract it, only playing defensively while Mizu immediately went to it's arms, slicing through it "Woah!" Mizu immediately backed off, the Golem stumbling backwards as it just recieved a fatal damage."Nice job! Now let this Mercenary finish it off, alright?" Faye immediately threw her weapon in front of the Golem, she then boosts herself towards it.She pulls her left arm behind her, grinning."STRONG LEFT!" Faye then lands
Chapter 24: Faye, The Mercenary
"So what brings you calling me, Ada?" The woman then drank the bowl of mushroom soup in a matter of seconds"Like what my shadow wisp has said, I want you to come with us in order to subdue the Duchess" Ada then slowly drank her mushroom soup with a wooden spoon"Hmm... I suppose you really do need my help..." The woman then grabbed her bag, she then pulled something out of it"I went in her laboratory and it seems she's planning big... I almost got caught by her as well" She then gave papers to Ada."What... What is this, Faye..." Ada looked thoroughly at the papers that she was given."I think she's planning on a raid" Faye was then given another bowl by Mizu, she said thank you before continuing to devour itThe papers were filled with blueprints, ways on how to make golems and how to mobilize manifactured celtors."I also didn't see any of her assistants, I think that's how she got the manifactured celtors... Tubes were everywhere inside that lab of hers" Faye then places the bowl
Chapter 23: The Golem
"This guy is tougher than a wall made of bricks!" Amarico started to punch it's arms as she failed on destroying it's head with on strike "Tell me about it more then!" Mizu tried to slice it's legs with his sword but it merely made a clang instead of a woosh."Back up back up!" Ada shouted as the Golem was about to throw a punch towards them.They dodged it in a nick of time as Amarico then started to pull back her left arm, it slowly glowed white."Step aside!" Amarico immediately rushed towards the Golem as she then threw a strong punch towards the Golem, knocking it back making it hit a tree as well."I think I can do that trick a few more times, it looks like it's working well rather than me punching it normally" Amarico then spinned her arm, that probably moved a joint but who knows."Does it even have a weakness?" Mizu looked at his sword. It was almost bent and it had alot of scratches on it"It's weakness is basically weak towards any blunt weaponry... Like Amarico's Strong L
Chapter 22: Trouble
The trio are climbing up through erisia, facing some scenery that could be even called worthy of a memory but they cant enjoy the scenery for now, as they still have to get to the manor but they soon faced a problem"Why is it doing here?!" Amarico whispered loudly as they were behind a Sharko.It seems like it wandered too far away from Vipers Jaw and it arrived here at Upper erisia."Well We need to defeat it then... They can stay in the same place for hours before moving to another spot" Ada then grabs her dagger as she then slowly creeped up behind it."Remember the same thing we did on one of them back then? We'll do it again" Amarico told Mizu as she slowly creeped up to it aswell Mizu slowly went to it's front to attract it's attention, but then when he was getting closer he saw something else..."Hey... Ada... What's that thing..." Mizu pointed in front of him. There stood a huge beast that was made up of rocks with eyes that was glowing white along with its chest there seems