Nex and Setsuna gawked at the hulking mosntrosity before them as it screeched shaking the entire area along with it. "This was supposed to be a test right?" Nex said as she looked towards her companion. Setsuna nodded her head dumbly as she scratched her head. "What part of this is for B-rank adventurers? Are they even human?" She said as they watched the quen come out unscathed from the barrage of attacks Nex and Setsuna delivered. "What kind of fucking standards does the guild expect from adventurers if their rank up quests are like this." Nex said as she put her hands on her hips. The two looked towards the queen slowly approaching them thinking of them as nothing but prey.Nex sighed, "Well we're already knee deep in the mud, no use whining now." She brought out a couple of blue vials and and handed them towards setsuna. "Let's make use of Nick's stash." She said maiking Setsuna raise her eyebrows."Where the hell did you even get these?" Nex grinned and snapped her fingers. She t
The golden lustre of its scales reflected off the illuminating flashes of thunder above the violet skies. Glaring orange eyes staring at insignificant lifeforms. As billowing smoke came out of it's long snout. They could catch a glimpse of its Fangs almost as tough as stellarite. Its wings flapped and created a gust of wind blowing away the rubble and revealing the two gawking at it from below.It's elongated neck stood tall as it roared across the skies. It was like a super sonic blast. Even both Setsuna and Nex covered their ears from the sheer force and volume of it. Within that same instant their mana barriers also instantly broke sending them flying towards the broken rubble.The creature flew up in the air and narrowed it's eyes trying find the two. It found them lying between the rubble as it gathered some kind of liquid inside its mouth as its forked tongue slithered. It spat out the liquid towards Nex and Setsuna. As soon as Setsuna regained her clarity she took out two tali
It was an endless white hallway.Nothing but mirrors surround her from both sides.She could see reflections of her self on each side. One was a small version of herself in a lab gown. HEr hair was a mess. Her blue eyes were baggy. She looked nothing more than an average kid that looked weak and frail. She couldn't sit still as her eyes darted around meekly. On the other side a more mature version of her self. Her beautiful features were dampened by her killing intent. The sheer ferocity and madness contained within those purple eyes could burn anything from it's path. She wore a nasty grin as her black shoes were painted red. Her bloodstained hands gripping a series of searing chains as it endlessly dragged countless of corpses attatched in its end.She looked infront of her. Multiple pathways slowly begin to blur as it was all merging into one. She herself was slowly becoming blurry as she was turning into static. She looked at her hands flickering from a frail child's to a feral
Nick and Crowley we're sitting in the sofa sipping the tea Blair refilled for them, while Faust was busy staring at several screens observing Proxima-9's orbit. Julian on the other hand was pacing back and forth while being covered in cold sweat. Faust leaned back in the sofa as he put his hand on his chin. "Is everything okay Faust?" Crowley said as he leisurely sipped his tea. Faust shook his head, "Nope, I'm just bored man." He said as he made the screens disappear. Blair gave him a cup of tea silently. Julian then scratched his head, "I don't understand how you all could relax while those two might be in grave danger!" They all looked at each other and laughed. Nick wiped the tears forming on his eyes. "Oh god Julian you crack me up. Ever wonder why no adventurer dies in Terachoma Prime?" Julian scratched his chin and looked down, "Uhh, a strict training regime? Discipline?" Nick shook his head, "It's the uniforms." Faust nodded his head, "It has a safety release, however it onl
Once he opened his eyes he could feel the flesh of a human body once more. He repeatedly balled the fists of Nex. He smiled and looked towards the dragon. [I'll be borrowing your body for a while kiddo. Don't hate me alright?] He said in a voice that is an amalgamation of both Nex's and his. [Alright Setsuna! Get ready! We're gonan start with a goddamn bang!] He said as Setsuna turned towards him while panting heavily. "Took you long enough! Is she going to be okay!?" Setsuna said as she dodged the incoming claw of the wyvern.[She's gonna be out for a while. Don't worry though! I got this.]Nova said as he clapped her hands.>He said as chains wrapped around the wyverns neck. The searing chains protruded from the ground as it coiled around the creature. Holding it down. More and more chains hooked itself and clipped the wyvern's wings. Pinning it to the ground. >He wielded the hammer however it weighed like a shit ton. Nova was unable to wield it. He
"Hey! Are you deaf, human? Did you kill this thing?" He said while glaring at her with his purple eyes. Nex was covered in cold sweat as she struggled to even utter a word. She looked at the countenance of the boy. He was a small statured teenager. He had delicate looks however his shoulder length wavy brown hair was decorated with two twisting and elongated horns. Both his bare hands and feet were covered in draconic scales. On his back was a tail akin to a lizard covered in armor. Although he was dressed like a normal mortal would, he was anything but.It was a being like no other she has encountered. A very dangerous one. Nex watched the man approach her slowly. She couldn't muster a single word as she was enveloped with fear. No matter how hard she tried not a single fibre of her body would respond towards the approaching danger. His gaze alone could freeze her on her tracks, like a snake eyeing it's prey.Hearing no answer from her the mysterious figure clicked his tongue and sho
A few minutes earlier... Nick and the others leisurely made their way towards the inner most place of the cavern. Nick perked up his ears only to hear a booming sound of thunder followed by silence. He heaved a sigh of relief as no beastly screeches or flapping of wings resounded afterwards. "It seems that they've managed to kill the wyvern." Julian scratched his head, "That's your reaction!? It's a friggin wyvern for god's sake! How casual can you people be!? It is a thing of legend! Which is I thought did not nest here is actually physically present! And for some goddamn reason two new recruits who are half my age manage to kill it within a short time frame? Am I the wierd one here!?" The three looked at julian with surprise. Nick coughed guiltily, "I'm sorry if I ruffled some feathers Young man... but you see. we are also wondering why. I doubt that the dragon vein is actually capable of something like this. Some external factors must be at play here." Nick said as he looked around
Nex growled as the flames on her wings incresed it's intensity. From out of thin air a liquid that looked like a metallc liquid twirled on her arm, it slowly formed a cannon blaster on her hand. The man's eyes narrowed as he stared her. "So, not only are you capable of drawing upon the Sefirot... You are also capable of it's mirror... Quite the fascinating human you are."He said as he watched Nex ready and aim her cannon towards him. He grinned towards her as bat like wings covered in golden scales sprouted from his back. His golden eyes shone with intensity as he spread his arms wide. Nex growled as she fired her cannon which sent out a terryfing laser blast which evaporated everything withing a mile radius to where the man stood.He was floating in the air as the ground beneath him has vanished from existence. He was laughing madly. "your grasp on that kind of magic is barely on it's infancy stage. Truly preposterous on how you wield it like some sort of gun. Ignorance... is such a
The trio circled back towards the entrance while celeste blabbered on about the buildings architecture and defenses. "Since you are guests of Sir Nicholas, I bet you already know that msot of the artifacts here are the real deal relics from the age of gods, the age of magic and so on and so forth."She said not notocing the glint on Nex's eyes. "Most of these artifacts are have actually been used to fend off the invaders during the war. Some were even personally used by the twelve." She said as she pointed towards a large golden shield and a golden spear with its tip burning with blue flames.
Celeste carefully trotted along as she approached both Nex and Setsuna. The slowly hid behind the bookshelves as she peeked through the books.While doing so she listened in their conversation. Nex picked up books on whatever the hell caught her interest. However her eyes never stayed on one book for too long. She sighed as she closed another dusty tome. "If Nova was here I'd already fed him everything in this library." She said shocking Setsuna. "Feed him? Feed him how? like a fish?"Nex scratched her cheeks but before she could answer she spotted a fresh pair of eyes staring straight at them with unconcealed interest. Her eyes gleaming in curiousity as she leaned in the shelves much closer forgetting that she was concealing herself."Well... for starters nova eats for some reason like the rest of us who needs energy to survive. I remember him telling me he's converting the innate mana residing on things to fuel his energy reserves or something. I don't know. I'm not too sure on how
Nex peered over the gilded gates widely open as they could be. She scratched her chin as she looked around only to see gigantic shelves that towered over her containing various amounts of books. Rows of them that seemingly span towards infinity warding of any sane person who would wander the halls of vast knowledge.Ranging from dusty tomes to the more wierd and eccentric stuff like a crystal ball that could help them see the original owners memory. All of it were guarded by armed guards patrolling and keeping an ever watchul eye filled with vigilance.She turned around and saw various items incased in glass, while also engraved in glowing red magic circles. Setsuna stared at Nick once more and tilted her head as she eyed all the thing all around them. "This place is a library right?"Nex on the other hand approached the desk as her eyes darted all over the place seemingly impatient to just out right steal the things that caught her eye. Nick sensed this as the facepalmed and stared a
Once the golden Barrier disappeared the entirety of the Hidden Grand Library of Alexandria was unveiled to them. Golden sparks of light scattered across the air creating a majestic sight to behold. A huge Fortress lay before them gilded in all its glory. Unblemished, Untainted, and Unseen by the unworthy. A towering drawbridge slowly lowered in front of them.What awaited inside was a large plethora of knowledge awaiting to be seen by curious eyes. NEx coudn't help but whistle in surprise, "You mages really know how to go all out." Nick coudn't help but scratch his nose in embarassment from her words. "Well, Faust can be a little eccentric but that man knows how to make things a little more grand than what they should appear." He said as he led the two inside the castle in the middle.Setsuna looked around and saw huge watch towers and wyverns chained beneath them. Gigantic ballistas that watch over the cosmic skies, ever watchful of potential intruders. On the pathways were infantrym
"One of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. Created by the nine goddesses of arts themselves. Regarded as the capitol of knowledge and learning. The central gathering of all the most rare and mysterious books in the world. Not only that everything in that place is disaster proof, especially fire!" Nick said as he stared the the two slacked jawed women. "I welcome you two to the Great Library of Alexandria!" He said as he spread his arms wide. He then slowly panned towards Nobody who was nodding along at the grandeur. "Can we find records of you in there?" Nick asked as he crossed his arms scrutinizing every movement of Nobody. However he just shrugged, "You'd be extremely lucky to find it when it's buried in all these books. However I'm fairly sure you've read most of the library's contents don't you Nick?" Nobody said as he tried to step inside however a huge golden barrier suddenly appeared out of nowhere barring his entry towards the library. Nobody fr
The two finished touring around the Bazaar. They found Nick waiting for them at a bench with his arms folded in annoyance. The moment he saw them he raised his eyebrows, "So Did you enjoy the 'Bazaar that looks like the Golden Heart?'" He said as he scoffed. Nex scratched her cheeks, "Well, although it looks familiar. It's different enough to warrant exploring. Thankfully the roads are familiar to not get lost..." She said as her voice slowly shrank. "That's the point! Familiar enough not to get lost. But different enough to merit exploration!" Nick shouted at them. Setsuna crossed her arms and chimed in, "I still think it's a little lazy." Nick shrugged his shoulders, "Hey! if we could save money by just doing a simple palette swap and a small and minor adjustments then more power to it." He said as he snapped his fingers and showed Nex al the ingredients have been bought. "So should we summon it now?" Nick looked at Nex. However before she could answer, Nobody popped out of the sha
"It seems that only you are capable of summoning whatever this thing is. Hopefully not something truly bad. Who gave you this anyway?" Nex Shrugged her shoulers. "Where's Nova when you need him. His name is Nobody, and as far as I'm concerned... He's the one who has helped me the most in this long and arduous journey. He gave me those pages." Nick scratched his chin, "Not exactly a helpful pseudonymn." Nex shrugged her shoulders, "I feel like he's sort of sealed at the moment. There's like a time limit he could manifest himself. He is a tall man in a black suit, his face covered by the shadows, has glaring and ominous yellow eyes? This is his symbol." She said as she snapped her fingers and recreated Nobody's symbol.A Glowing Red Circle filled with undecipherable inscriptions that wriggle as if it's alive. In the middle of it all was an Inverted Ankh Painted with blood.Nick shook his head, "It's definitely not an egyptian god nor a mage of the same discipline. No one would dare use
"Well you're in luck kiddo. All the shit listed here is available in The Wiccan Bazaar! I just hope that this thing doesn't eat your face, Setsuna's, or mine!" Nex shrugged her shoulders, clearly not giving any fucks. Setsuna on the other hand took the page from Nick's hand. Then immediately passed it back to Nex, "Yeah... Have no idea what the fuck any of these mean." She said as she leisurely sipped her coffee.Blair handed them their breakfast as she prepared Nex's and Setsuna's clothes. "Eat up! It's gonna be a long day." He said as he and the gang chowed down on Blair's amazing breakfast. After a few minuites of lazing about Nick finally stood up and drew a magic circle on the ground. "This portal is technically encrypted and it changes on a weekly basis." He said as he snapped his fingers and a portal appeared beside the magical circle. Blair put her hands on her hips as she stared at Nick, "You do know, I have to clean your messes right?" Nick scratched his cheeks, "Uhh, everyt
Nex woke up feeling refreshed more than usual. She stretched her body and did some light exercise. She was no longer plagued by jolting pain everytime she woke up. She sucked in a batch of fresh air as she excitedly exited her room and almost bumped into blair on her way out.Blair's eyes were wide open as she stared at Nex awake and about. "Oh my, It seems you woke up on your own today Nex." She said as she put her hands on her hips. Setsuna came out of her door a little groggy, but awake nontheless. The moment she looked to her left and saw Nex energetically standing in front of her door all lucid, her jaws dropped. She tried pinching her cheeks only to wince from the pain. "What the hell? Am I in some kind of mirror dimension?" Nex chuckled, "Hey! no matter how thick my face is, I could still get hurt y'know?" Setsuna shrugged her shoulders, "Can you blame me? It's like a rebranding. It's almost freaky." She said as she moved towards the cupboards and start to brew herself some co