
"What's going on?" Salma asked. The young man pointed outside and said, "It's the people from Rockview. Over a hundred of them, even Smith is here!"

"What?" Salma was shocked. Just then, footsteps sounded on the stairs. Smith walked up, and Salma's men instinctively made way for them. As soon as Smith arrived, he immediately silenced the room. "Oh, I was wondering who it was. So it's you, Salma!" Smith lightly patted Salma's face, causing his expression to change.

"You guys from the Winner's Business Association are becoming more and more high-profile. Not only did you smash up my place, but now you dare to surround Mr. Elliott." Hearing Smith's words, Salma became puzzled.

Mr. Elliott?

Smith was a legendary figure in Panama unmatched by anyone. Who was this person that Smith addressed as "Mr. Smith"?

"Smith, why are you here?" Salma forced a smile and asked. "What do you mean? You surrounded my boss with people. What if I didn't come?" Smith said. What? This ki
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