Upon hearing this, Golden took a deep breath

and couldn't calm down for a long time.

He had known that the Lennox's family had won the

championship of this year's antique appraisal

competition, but he didn't know who had helped

them until now, when the young man he had met

before was standing in front of him.

"So, you are the mysterious master of antique

appraisal. Nice to meet you!" Golden showed

great respect to Elliott. Elliott smiled lightly and said politely, "Mr. Golden, you

flatter me. But did I pass your first test?"

"Of course, of course, haha!"

Golden was quite satisfied with Elliot's

performance. Not only did he see through the glass

ring, but he also identified the box made of golden power wood, which gave him a big surprise.

However, Elliott didn't rush to be happy because

he knew that he still had two more tests to go.

After that, Golden asked his butler to drive them

to a gambling stone field.

"Elliott brother, my gambling stone fietd has just

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