Chapter 2

At the Hospital

Brian remained on the ground panting in agony and exhaustion. But even more agonising was the sound of Aleya's high-heeled sandals against the marble floor as she climbed the front steps into the hotel. 

The thought of what his girlfriend was about to do with another man hurt his pride more than the shame of being openly assaulted. 

As he lay there, he recollected their 10-month relationship. 

Aleya never allowed him to touch her even once. She always gave the excuse of waiting for a special occasion like on her birthday - which was eleven months away from the day that Brian and Aleya met. Then when he persisted, she promised to let him make love to her on the day she'd mark the first anniversary of her company - City Fashion and Decor. 

Incidentally, the anniversary was coming up in a week's time which Brian was really looking forward to. 

As a mark of his undying love for Aleya, Brian had made a special arrangement to surprise her by announcing their engagement during the party. 

"Now she's going to give herself easily to a wealthy man when she selfishly used me for 10 months," he thought bitterly. 

"Poor me!" Brian grunted as a throbbing pain hit his forehead. Just then someone tapped him gently on the shoulder. 

"You need to get up and go get cleaned up, man. You're a mess." 

It was Melvin, his colleague at the security post. He was the only co-worker who ever treated him with kindness and dignity. Luckily for Brian, Melvin was also on duty that morning though he was running a little late because he had to make a quick delivery to a client elsewhere. 

Both Brian and Melvin did multiple jobs to make ends meet; each person always covered for the other whenever their work hours clashed. And today was Brian's turn to cover for Melvin. 

"When did you get here?" Brian muttered, trying to find out whether his friend had witnessed the humiliation meted out to him by his girlfriend and her sugar daddy. 

"About five minutes ago. Now let me help you up so you can tell me what happened." 

As Melvin reached down to assist Brian, he saw a bloodied gash near his right eye where Brian had hit against the sharp edge of a rectangular concrete flowerpot when he tumbled to the ground. When Brian raised his head, the blood gushed out in torrents. Before Melvin could drag him to his feet, Brian's body collapsed against him. He had lost consciousness. 

"Oh my goodness, you can't pass out on me, man!" 

Melvin was terrified. He scooped his friend into his arms and rushed towards the gate to get a cab that would take him to the hospital. 


At the AandE unit, Melvin filled out the necessary details of Brian he knew. 

"We have to run a few tests on him to determine the extent of his injuries, especially his internal organs," the nurse at the AandE explained. 

Melvin nodded his approval. 

"However, we will be needing a deposit of one thousand dollars before we can carry out the X-rays and CT scan." 

The news hit Melvin like a thunderbolt. He didn't have that amount of money. And he didn't think Brian did either. 

"But ma'am, can you proceed with the necessary first aid while I sort out the money?" he pleaded. 

The nurse eyed him quizzically. 

Melvin reached into Brian's pocket and retrieved his phone. He was looking to search his contact for anyone he could call. The only money on him was about two hundred dollars which was his pay for that morning's delivery job. 

Thankfully, Brian's phone had no security lock. 

Melvin went through his recent call history and saw a number saved as "My Jewel". 

He quickly dialled it and anxiously waited for a response. He needed to hurriedly fix this and return to work before Freya found out he'd left his duty post. 

It rang and stopped, no one answered. He tried again the second time and eventually someone picked it up. 

"What the fuck do you want from me, loser! Haven't I told you we're done?" Aleya shrieked at the other end thinking it was Brian calling. 

Melvin frown. Although he had never met Brian's girlfriend, but Brian always said nice things about her. So when she spoke rudely, Melvin assumed she was mistaking him to be a fraudster who somehow got hold of her boyfriend's phone. 

Melvin hastily explained. 

"I'm sorry, this is Melvin, Brian's friend and colleague at work. Don't be alarmed, your boyfriend was involved in accident and needs urgent medical care." 

There was a long stretch of silence. Melvin took the phone from his ear and looked at the screen to confirm if he dialled the correct number. Just then Aleya's voice boomed coldly. "Who gives a damn about what that poor rat needs?" 

Melvin gasped. 

"He can die for all I care," she added with an exasperated sigh. 

"I'm sorry?" 

"Sorry for your useless friend! Oh wait, he told you he was involved in an accident?" Aleya snickered. "For your information, he was beaten blue-black by my boyfriend's bodyguards. It was no less than he deserved for daring to confront my sweetheart." 

Aleya screamed the last sentence so that Felix who was sorting out some files from his briefcase could hear. 

Melvin looked dazed but quietly ended the call. The nurse who was watching him intently snapped, "You will need to bring the proof of payment back here before anything can be done for him. And you'd better hurry!" 

Melvin nodded like a zombie and started towards the account department feeling perplexed. Then an idea occurred to him to search through Brian's W******p chat.

He came across a chat with someone named Sebastian. 

Sebastian was Brian's high-school mate who also recommended him for the job at the hotel. He read their chat and quickly called his line. Sebastian responded almost immediately. 

"What's up, Brian? I just got off the phone with Freya now and she told me you caused some ruckus at the hotel which has landed you in the police net." 

"This isn't Brian,” Melvin corrected. “I'm his colleague Melvin. Please, sir, Brian needs your help. He was badly injured at work and eventually lost consciousness. He's been taken to Auckville Memorial Hospital awaiting medical treatment." Melvin desperately explained. 

"What?! Don't worry, I'll be right there," Seb assured him. 

Sebastian sorted out the hospital bill and waited for Brian's test result to come out. 

Just as the doctor was walking in with his lab result, Brian opened his eyes. 

"You're awake!" Seb exclaimed. 

"What happened?" Brian muttered, taking in the strange surroundings. 

"You suffered a concussion from the heavy blow to your head," the doctor supplied. 

Brian narrowed his gaze as he started to remember. 

"Fortunately, though, the CT scan shows you didn't suffer any internal bleeding. However, the X-ray result indicates a fractured ligament around your left hip bone. I have written down some medications you need to buy. Your injuries should heal well enough if you follow my prescription."

"So, doctor, can he go home today?" enquired Seb. 

"Well, we would love to keep him for another day or two for further monitoring." 

Brian made a groaning sound in protest. He wanted to be discharged so he could return to work. 

"However,” the doctor continued, “if he feels he's strong enough to manage without our professional services, we can discharge him right away. Just make sure he cleans his wound daily and changes the gauze." 

"Thank you, doctor." 

“One more thing: he shouldn't hesitate to return to the hospital if he experiences any severe pain around his hips incase he might need physiotherapy.” 

With that, the doctor left. Brian turned to Seb and said, "I don't know how to thank you for coming to my rescue." 

"You should thank your colleague more. He's the one who called me after bringing you here." 


Seb nodded. 

"Where is he?" Brian asked, suddenly recalling that Freya was standing outside when the whole incident occurred. He didn't want Melvin getting in trouble for helping him. 

"He left back to work shortly after I arrived. He was worried about his boss becoming upset." 

"Freya!" Brian murmured. "I don't know what I ever did to her. She hates me so much and anyone seen around me,” he said and shook his head, a twinge of agony etched on his face. 

Sebastian reached out and patted his shoulder. "You haven't told me what really transpired." 

As he was about to reply, a call came into Seb's phone. It was an urgent business meeting. 

"Sorry man, we will discuss this later. Let me get a cab to take you home while I run along for my meeting." 

"Thanks, Seb. I'm indebted to you, but I promise to pay back as soon as possible." 

Seb called a cab for Brian and left for his meeting shortly after. 


Inside the cab heading home, Brian thought to check his phone if he had any work-related messages or missed calls. 

He was shocked to see 13 missed calls and four messages. His phone had been put on silence by Melvin as instructed by the nurse. 

Seven of those missed calls came from his landlord. 

"Holy crap! My rent is overdue for payment, and today is the last day of grace." 

Just then, the phone started beeping again. 

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