Chapter 6

The Arrest 

"Oh no! Why is this patient in here?" demanded doctor Philip as he recognised Brian. 

Lucia frowned and averted her gaze from the doctor. Helen looked like she might pee on herself too. 

"It's an awkward situation doctor Philip," began Helen, "but I assure you there's a good enough explanation." Apprehension was written all over her face. 

"Liar!" Lucia shot at her. "Why not tell the doctor the actual truth?" 

"Mmph,” Brian groaned out loud. It was all he could do to deflect the attention from nurse Helen even though he was beyond embarrassed himself. 

Doctor Philip who was about to probe Lucia for more explanation changed his mind and instead ordered, "Help the patient at once, you can explain yourselves later." 

He started moving towards Brian followed by nurse Helen. However, nurse Lucia remained rooted to the spot, irritation written all over her face. 

Brian had never felt so humiliated like he was at that moment. He kept his face down wishing the floor should open and swallow him up. When doctor Philip spoke to him, he stole a glance at Lucia who snorted and turned up her nose in disgust. "Wretched piece of shit," she muttered under her breath. 

"Don't worry about this. It's one of those things that happens at the hospital," doctor Philip said reassuringly, noticing the look of anguish on Brian's face. 

Meanwhile, nurse Helen had started to clear up the mess on the floor. The doctor gently led Brian towards a small door at the corner of the room. 

"This should be the bathroom," he said and turned the handle. There was a shower and a bucket in the bathtub. "You can freshen up while I get the nurse to bring you some change of clothes." 

"I'm so sorry for embarrassing myself like this," Brian apologised as he stepped inside, tears forming a puddle in his eyes. 

"It's alright. Like I stated before, this is not an uncommon occurrence at the hospital. My only concern is why you never informed them you were pressed for urine." 

"I..." he started to say but the words got stuck in his throat. 

Doctor Philip noticed the tension in Brian's demeanour and instinctively turned back to see Lucia still standing in the middle of the room with her arms folded across her chest as if spoiling for a fight. 

"I didn't hear it on time, doctor," he finally said, trying to keep his tone levelled. But the doctor could sense that Brian was hiding something. 

He patted him on the shoulder, "Meet me at the reception when you're finished here," he said and closed the bathroom door. 


By the time Brian came out of the bathroom, there was no one in the room. He saw a neatly parcelled hospital robe lying on the bed but decided to put on his work uniform instead and went out to find doctor Philip. He was seated at the lounge waiting. 

There was no sign of nurse Helen nor Lucia anywhere. 

Brian started to feel anxious. 

"Tell me what exactly happened to you?" the doctor prompted and motioned for him to sit down. 

Brian, not seeing the need to hold back anymore, confessed everything to him. 

"Please, don't let anything bad happen to nurse Helen. She was only trying to help me," he pleaded as he concluded. 

Doctor Philip nodded his understanding before asking, "So, which way are you headed from here?" 

Brian thought of what answer to give the doctor. He couldn't tell him or anyone else about the mystery money until he confirmed its source. 

Meanwhile, before leaving the nurses' on-call room, he had tried Melvin's line, but it was switched off. So there was only one option open to him now: He must go back to the hotel himself and get his clothes. 

"I will return to my workplace," Brian answered. 

When doctor Philip raised his eyebrow questioningly, he added, "And plead with my boss to reconsider the sack." 

Doctor Philip shook his head pitifully knowing his chances were slim. "Well, I wish you good luck with that,” he echoed. “Although, if it doesn't work out, I will advise that you find someplace else to put up. Do not return to the hospital because nurse Lucia won't let you off so easily." The note of warning in the last sentence was unmistakable. 

Brian gritted his teeth, he had some questions to ask about Lucia. On a second thought, he decided not to bug the doctor. 

They were now seated in the doctor's car at the parking lot. "Which way to your workplace?" Doctor Philip asked as he started the ignition. 

Brian gave him the direction. 

As they drove on, doctor Philip said out of nowhere. "Nurse Lucia has a close relationship with the director of Auckville Memorial Hospital, Mr Jackson Theodore. She's a force to be reckoned with in the hospital." 

The weight of his statement unsettled Brian. That's when he understood the grave danger Helen must likely be facing right now. 

"So does that mean I've put nurse Helen's job on the line?" 

"And mine too, in a manner of speaking," doctor Philip supplied, a melancholic tone dancing in his words. 

Brian went quiet not knowing what else to say. He was deep in thought throughout the rest of the drive. 


At The Presidential Villa Hotel, Brian waited nervously as he knocked on the massive wrought-iron gate. Doctor Philip had dropped him off and was soon on his way. 

After a while, the gate opened and it was Melvin. 

Brian exhaled in relief. 

"Ah, man! What are you doing here?" Melvin queried, looking back anxiously. He didn't smile in his usual manner which made Brian anxious too. 

"I came because I needed to get my stuff from the changing room," he replied, his tone matching Melvin's anxiety. Then his eyes scanned the surroundings as if trying to understand the reason for his friend's behaviour. "I've been trying your line all morning but it was switched off. What's up?" 

Melvin still had that worried expression on his face but asked Brian to follow him inside. "I'm cool I guess. But there's something I need to tell you..." 

Brian prodded, "I hope you're not in any more trouble?" He searched his friend's face but Melvin kept a sturdy expression. 

"Wait until you hear what I've got to say, then you'll understand." 

Brian heaved but started picking up his stuff. “I'm listening.“


"Miss Charlie gave out your details to some strange-looking man at the bar yesterday,” Melvin began. “And from the tidbits I gathered from their conversation, she intends for the man to harm you." 

Brian's belt slipped out of his hand. "Was it the police?" 

Melvin shook his head. "I couldn't exactly say. It appears the man was displeased over the incident that transpired between you and your..." Melvin's words were cut short with the honking of a car outside the gate. 

"I need to get that," he said and rushed outside. 

When he opened the gate, it was manager Freya. 

Melvin instantly knew there was trouble when he saw the dark expression in her otherwise dazzling blue eyes. He followed the direction of her gaze and saw Brian's figure showing through the open window of the changing room. Melvin had unthinkingly left it open in his haste. And Brian was still busy with his back to the window not realising he's been spotted. 

Freya drove on to her parking space and lurched out of the car fuming. 

"Security!" she yelled. 

Melvin quickly dashed over. 

"Lock that gate and come over here with the keys," she ordered. 

Brian had changed into his own clothes and was about to step outside when he heard Freya's voice and froze. 

"You let that insane crap into this premises? Your appointment is forthwith terminated!" 

"Oh no, Miss Charlie, I can explain please!" pleaded Melvin. 

"Give me the keys!" she shrieked and snatched the bunch of keys from Melvin. Then she began to fiddle with her phone. 

Less than five minutes later, a police siren was heard whirring outside the gate. 

Freya herself went to open the gate for the police about the same time Aleya and Mr Felix were just stepping outside the hotel reception. 

"Officers, the criminal is in there," Freya said pointing to the security station. 

Brian had no choice but to come outside by himself. 

The first person he saw was Aleya, when she sighted him, her face broke into a wicked smile. 

She said sneeringly, "It seems you will finally get what you deserve," 

Her words echoed in Brian's head as he was being bundled into the trunk of the police van. 

Meanwhile, seated at the bar was the same strange-looking stranger Melvin was telling Brian about. And he was watching the event as it played out. Just like he did yesterday. 

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