The Belittled Delivery Guy
The Belittled Delivery Guy
In The Dorm

Matthias walked into his dorm. He was exhausted after running his last delivery job for the day. 

Just as he was about to head to his bunk, his roommates, Fred and Garry, burst into the room behind him. Fred shoved Matthias's head forward, causing him to stumble.

"Look who’s back," Garry sneered through clenched teeth.

Matthias turned furiously, about to throw a punch at Fred but controlled himself. Matthias had now turned fully to face them, so Fred and Garry couldn’t dare to go any closer.

"Where's my money, you thief?!" Fred demanded.

Matthias was shocked by the accusations. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I mean," Fred hissed in his face. "The money you stole from my bunk this morning to round up your school fees. You thought I wouldn’t find out, right?!"

Matthias frowned. He knew what Fred and Garry were trying to do; he didn’t steal any money, and they were trying to extort him for the little money he made from deliveries.

"I didn't steal any money," Matthias protested. "I paid my f*es myself. The money I used was from the delivery f*e I got from yesterday."

"Don't argue with me. My uncle is in charge of this dorm. One word from me and you're out on the streets where you belong," Fred said to Matthias, a smirk playing on his lips.

"You know I didn’t take your money, Fred. Why are you doing this?" Matthias said, his eyes reddening in anger.

Garry laughed. "Shut up, Matthias. We all know you're too poor to pay your fees on your own. Just pay back the money you stole, and maybe we'll forget this ever happened."

Fred growled, "You're going to give us that money you just made. We know you must have made some money because you spent the entire day outside running deliveries."

“That is not going to happen, Fred. I’m not going to give you a dime out of what I just made. I worked all day to make 10 dollars, and I won’t give you a dollar out of it because I didn’t steal anything from you,” Matthias said in anger.

He was strong enough to beat down the two of them, and they were very aware, so none of them could struggle with him to get the money forcefully.

"Give us that money, or I’ll have to tell my uncle a different story about this, and you know he believes whatever I tell him. You’re going to be kicked out of the dorm..." Fred threatened.

“You know you are an orphan. If you get kicked out of the dorm, you’ll be homeless, so think properly,” Garry added, and Matthias tightened his jaw in anger.

Thinking about it, Matthias silently dipped his hand into his worn out pocket and gave them ten dollars.

Matthias gritted his teeth, watching them walk away with his hard earned money just because he was poor.

Just as he set his head down on the bunk, his stomach rumbled with hunger.

Sitting up quickly, Matthias reached for his locker, opening it thinking he still had some savings, he pulled out a two-dollar bill, the only money he had left now. He was disappointed.

He thought of buying food, but then he remembered something important.

Murmuring to himself, he recalled that Mr. Henry, their lecturer, had insisted they get the recommended textbook before the next class or they wouldn't be allowed in. 

"There's going to be a test from that book," he told himself, "and I can't afford to fail that course."

With that thought, Matthias sprang up, grabbed his torn shirt, and hurriedly threw it on. He needed to find some money. 

He managed a delivery job and only earned small amounts, but every bit helped. Rushing outside the dorm, he hopped on his bicycle. 


Glancing at his phone, he saw an alert for a new delivery job, complete with the address and payment details.

Reading aloud from the delivery app, he said, "Three packs of Durex condoms. In the next 30 minutes. Delivery f*e = 2 dollars."

He quickly claimed the task, pressing the claim button on his broken phone screen. The money to buy the condoms was instantly transferred to his account.

"I'll have some money to buy food after running this task," he said with hope.

Matthias pedaled swiftly to the store to purchase the package. Then, he rushed to the delivery address. 

Reaching the front of a mansion, he checked the address on his phone again. "This is it," he said, nodding.

He parked his bicycle and walked up to the door, ringing the doorbell. There was no response. 

His phone beeped again. It was a message from the sender asking Matthias to come deliver it straight to the bedroom.

The front door creaked as Matthias pushed it open, stepping into a lavish hallway. He followed the directions from the message until he reached the bedroom door. He knocked lightly.

He heard a familiar male voice shouting to him, "come in and drop the package on the table near the door!"

Matthias had already walked in before he started hearing soft moans of pleasure tearing through the air in the room. He had no idea why the guy would ask him to come in at that moment. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, here's your package, I'll take my leave now," Matthias said, hiding his face from the bed area.

"Thanks for your patronage," Matthias murmured, about to leave. But to his shock, he heard the girl's voice and it was unmistakably familiar.

Curiosity forced him to look over to the bed area, and he froze at who he saw on the bed.

The condom packs slipped from his cold hands in shock when he spotted his girlfriend, Paula, moaning in pleasure beneath the most popular and richest guy in school, Rafael Vicenzo. 

His mouth dropped open.


He had just unknowingly delivered condoms to this rich dude making love to his girlfriend.

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