The Belittled Delivery Guy

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The Belittled Delivery Guy

By: ALPHA-PEN ORIGINALS Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 21 views: 355

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"Paula is my girlfriend," he said through clenched teeth. "We've been together for five months now." Rafael burst into laughter. "Did you hear what the church rat just said?" he asked Paula. Paula closed the gap between herself and Matthias and, without warning, slapped Matthias in the face. Matthias raised his head, his eyes reddening in disbelief and anger. Paula's voice was cold. "Look at your disgusting self," she said, her words biting. Matthias glanced down at his clothes. These had always been the clothes he wore, even while dating Paula, and she had never complained before. Paula continued, "How could you ever, in your wildest dreams, think a girl as beautiful and expensive as me would be with a miserable beggar from the slums like you?"

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21 chapters
In The Dorm
Matthias walked into his dorm. He was exhausted after running his last delivery job for the day. Just as he was about to head to his bunk, his roommates, Fred and Garry, burst into the room behind him. Fred shoved Matthias's head forward, causing him to stumble."Look who’s back," Garry sneered through clenched teeth.Matthias turned furiously, about to throw a punch at Fred but controlled himself. Matthias had now turned fully to face them, so Fred and Garry couldn’t dare to go any closer."Where's my money, you thief?!" Fred demanded.Matthias was shocked by the accusations. "What are you talking about?""You know exactly what I mean," Fred hissed in his face. "The money you stole from my bunk this morning to round up your school fees. You thought I wouldn’t find out, right?!"Matthias frowned. He knew what Fred and Garry were trying to do; he didn’t steal any money, and they were trying to extort him for the little money he made from deliveries."I didn't steal any money," Matthia
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A Slap To The Face
Paula's eyes widened when she noticed Matthias standing there. She gasped and tried to cover herself, but the damage was done. Rafael turned his head lazily, looking completely unbothered by the intrusion. He glared because Paula pushed him off."What Paula? You stopped because of the dumb delivery guy from school?" Rafael Vicenzo scoffed. He was wondering why Paula acted the way she just did."Don't tell me you don't know this pauper who delivers news papers and stuff around the school for 1 dollar," Rafael said, sincerely trying to describe Matthias to Paula, not knowing she was his girlfriend and knew Matthias better than he did."Well, my girlfriend is the shy type, so if you don't mind, take this and get your stinking self out of my mansion," Rafael said. All the while, Matthias was still standing there staring at his girlfriend in disbelief. Paula was embarrassed and couldn't stare back."At least you delivered the condoms right on time," Rafael said with a smirk, reaching int
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Matthias sat on the floor in one of the quietest corners of the street. His bicycle was parked beside him, and his head was bowed, drenched in shame and humiliation. It was getting dark, already past 7 pm, but he was too broken to ride back to the dorm. The pain of finding his girlfriend Paula moaning under another man tore at him, especially when he realized it was all because he had no money. As he sat there, he replayed her words in his head: "How could you ever, in your wildest dreams, think a girl as beautiful and expensive as me would be with a miserable beggar from the slums like you?" He raised his head in anger and sorrow, his heart bitter to know that someone he loved with everything had called him a beggar."I'm not a beggar, have never been, and I'm not a nobody," Matthias murmured to himself, trying to believe in himself despite being talked down by Paula a few hours ago.He picked a stone and cast it in the distance..."I never knew she was deceiving me all this tim
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Come Home
"Come home?" Matthias asked in shock. He had no idea what the man standing in front of him, who had identified himself as Ernest Darwin, was talking about.Ernest nodded, bowing slowly again in absolute humility. "Yes, young Master."Matthias' eyes widened in shock, unable to comprehend what was happening around him."This must be a mistaken identity. I'm just an orphan who’s struggling. I don’t deserve this treatment. My name is indeed Matthias Kane, and as far as I know, I’m the only Matthias Kane in my school. But I’m sure I’m not who you’re looking for."Mr. Darwin chuckled lightly. "We made no mistake, Young master. You are the young man we’ve been searching for all these years."Matthias' mouth dropped open in shock. He could hear everything but nothing was making sense."How? Nobody knows me to be looking for me in the first place. I have no family, no home. I grew up in an orphanage, and when I was old enough, I left to start struggling through school. I have no family," he e
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Rise Of Matthias Kane
Madeline turned around, holding Matthias' hand, and walked him over to the table where a document and a pen were placed. "Son, on this table is the ownership document of your father's vast empire," she said to Mathias who glanced down at the table.Matthias was still having a hard time processing everything. She gently guided him to sit down.Mr. Darwin bowed slightly to her before taking his leave, giving Madeline and her grandson some time alone.Matthias sat on the chair, while his grandmother took her seat opposite him. "I'm old now, Matthias," she began, her voice was soft but still firm."I'm getting really tired and can no longer handle all the hassles of managing your late father's empire." She pointed to the document."This is a list of all the companies and groups under the Nelson Consortium. Have a look."Matthias, feeling overwhelmed, glanced at the list. He knew nothing about businesses, and just seeing the extensive list of companies made his head spin. His mouth drop
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The VIP Guest
Just as the security men were harassing Matthias by grabbing his belt and dragging him, Paula stood with her arms folded, a smug look on her face. Rafael Vicenzo smirked, watching the security men rough up Matthias. Matthias pleaded with the security to listen to him. Before they could decide whether to hear him out, Paula interjected."Take him to the police," Paula demanded. "He's a thief. I know him very well from school. There's no reason to listen to him. He's a poor delivery guy who refused to take his $2 last night out of pride. Now he's roaming the streets looking for food to steal."Despite Paula's lies and the security's rough treatment, Matthias remained calm. "Look, I'm not a thief. I'm just here for the party like everyone else, you have to try and listen to me," Matthias said calmly, as the security held him firmly."Shut up! You have no shame. Who do you expect to believe that crap? Take a look at yourself, how can you be in a party like this if not to steal?" One of
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Grand Prime Bank
Matthias walked out of the Allison Event Center, feeling a sense of satisfaction. Paula and Rafael hadn’t succeeded in humiliating him this time.Jude Campbell’s event was over, and Matthias had asked his grandmother to head home alone. He needed to withdraw some money from the bank to purchase a new phone and other essentials.He hailed a cab and headed to Grand Prime Bank, the largest and most prestigious bank in town, catering exclusively to huge businesses and billionaires."I'll stop here, sir," Matthias said to the cab driver, who was shocked."Young man, are you aware where this place is? This is the headquarters of the Grand Prime Bank," the cab driver said in shock, clearly wondering what a common man like Matthias was doing there."Yes, sir, I’m very aware of that," Matthias said as he stepped out of the car. "How much is the fare?" he asked, and the man replied, "$50." Matthias gave him a hundred and didn’t wait to collect his change.The man was shocked but thankful and
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He's A Scammer!
Just as Bethany dropped the phone, she folded her arms across her chest and smiled at Matthias, realizing he would be in trouble once the police arrived. "What's the meaning of this?" Matthias asked Bethany, still shocked at her report to the police."There is a misunderstanding here and I can prove it if you give me the chance," Matthias said. The manager sighed and addressed Matthias, "Young man, it's not too late. You can still drop your claim that you're a customer, accept your place as a poor man, and walk away. If the police get here, you will be taken away."He had expected Matthias to shiver and flee, but since Matthias wasn’t a criminal and hadn’t done anything illegal, he stood his ground. "I don’t care about the police coming because I have nothing to be afraid of," Matthias said calmly. He slid his hand into his pocket and brought out the black card issued to his father by the Grand Prime Bank. The moment he showed the card to the manager, the manager’s eyes twitched
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Access Granted. Fingerprint Requested!
"You have to let me try again. I'm sure there was an error somewhere," Matthias said confidently.The officer replied, "You've tried to fool everyone enough. You are coming with me me, now!" As the policeman attempted to pull him out of the office, Matthias shrugged off the grasp forcefully and ran towards the machine, realizing they wouldn’t willingly give him another chance. He arrived at the machine and started typing in the PIN 1012 quickly...The officer, enraged by Matthias' stubborness, ran back towards the machine to grab him. However, he froze in his tracks as the machine beeped and the screen turned green."Beep!" "Access Granted!" "User May Now Verify Fingerprint!" The machine announced.Everyone was stunned to see that Matthias had entered the correct PIN.There was a moment of silence as Matthias, panting from his quick dash to the machine, turned to face them. Seeing the shock on their faces he knew they believed him now, so he turned back to the machine and prepa
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AZ Super Phone Store
Matthias took a closer look at her, noticing just how beautiful she was. He smirked and said, "Sure."With that, he walked into his cab and drove off, leaving Bethany watching him with a mix of hope and regret.Matthias got out of the cab, holding the backpack filled with cash. He had stopped at a store to buy a backpack, transferring the cash into it for easier carrying. Unsure about which phone to get, he headed to the AZ Super Phone Store, renowned for its vast selection of phones."I'm sure I'll find just the perfect phone here," Matthias murmured as he crossed the grand entrance.As he walked into the IOS store within the AZ Super Store, he sighed, marveling at the fact that he could now afford any iPhone of his choice.However, he decided to explore further before making a purchase. He whistled softly as he approached the Samsung store. Just as he was about to enter, he heard familiar voices from inside. His brows furrowed as he recognized the unmistakable voice of his ex-gir
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