The Poop Cleaner

Matthias rode in his grandmother's car to the towering structure of the fifth branch of just one of his businesses under the Nelson Consortium.

Everything still seemed unreal to him, but he reminded himself that this was only the second day of being incredibly wealthy. Maybe soon, he would fully realize that this wasn’t a dream and he was going to be forever rich.

As they stepped out of the car, Matthias sighed, taking in the beauty of the structure. "Wow," he said.

His grandmother chuckled. "If you're amazed by this structure, I wonder how shocked you'll be when you see the first branch at Renic City."

Matthias turned to her, stunned. She nodded. "Yes, the one in Renic City is four times bigger than this."

Matthias's mouth dropped open. She told him that he would eventually get to see and control everything, but to avoid overwhelming him, he would need to take it gradually. Matthias nodded in agreement, already feeling a bit overwhelmed.

As they walked toward the entrance, his grandm
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