The True Heir

She shook her head irritably. "The mere sight of you irritates me. I just hope that when I meet the new CEO, I can get close enough to ask him to fire you."

She added with a seductive whisper, "I’m sure he'll notice me. After all, I'm beautiful, and as the CEO's new personal assistant, I'll have his ear."

Matthias stood there, absorbing her cruel words. He was, in fact, the new CEO she was so eager to impress and had dressed so beautifully for, but she had no idea at all. Matthias shook his head without saying a word, disappointed at her foolishness.

Despite the humiliation, he tried to maintain his composure and remain calm. He knew that soon, the tables would turn, but for now, he had to deal with Nia's arrogance.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted their confrontation. "What’s going on here?"

Both Matthias and Nia turned to see a tall man in a sharp suit approaching them. It was Mr. Jefferson, the company's HR director. He looked from Matthias to Nia, noticing the tension in the air.

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