Nia's Downfall

Nia was shocked when she realized she had slapped the CEO, thinking he was just a janitor.

"H-How... How... How i-is this even possib—" she stammered. She couldn't even complete her question.

How did things change so fast?

How did the Matthias the pauper become the CEO of N-TECHNOLOGIES and even advanced to the position of the owner of the Nelson Consortium?

The room went quiet, and everyone was stunned. Nia's heart was pumping fast as everyone left her to her thoughts for a while, waiting for her to realize the weight of what she had done.

Matthias stayed calm but looked disappointed. He didn't say anything at first, letting Nia understand the seriousness of her mistake.

Mr. Jefferson, who had just come in, was also surprised by what happened.

After a moment, Matthias spoke firmly.

"Nia McGrath, your behavior is not acceptable and there will be consequences," Matthias said gently.

Nia's heart jumped to her throat as she realized the gravity of her actions. She remained silent, s
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